Dagens Arsenal - 2 oktober 2010
Arsenal spelar mot Chelsea imorgon. I detta nyhetssvep kommer förutsättningarna inför matchen där Wenger pratar Chelsea, Fabianski och skador.
På söndag visar laget sin styrka
Wenger tror att söndagens match kommer att visa vem som är starkast. Matchen kommer inte avgöra vem som vinner ligan men den kommer att visa vilka som styrkorna i Premier League.
“It will certainly give an indication of the strengths of the two sides, that is for sure. It’s not too early because it is a confrontation between two top teams. I don’t think it is a decisive game but it is a good indicator about the strengths in the Premier League.”
“Our potential, our performance, our desire to win the game. History does not win you games. We have had a game since the defeat to West Brom where we played quite well in the Champions League. Chelsea are in the same situation - they lost the game before but played in the Champions League, so on that front we are on the same level. If we turn up with a great performance – and I am convinced we will – we will beat them. Football is always down to the performance of the day.”, säger Wenger.
Drogba ska stoppas
Didier Drogbas målskörd mot Arsenal får de flesta att drömma mardrömmar om ivorianen. Wenger menar att inget är för evigt och att Arsenal har medlen för att stoppa honom.
"We can stop him. Nothing is forever, so we can stop it. I feel we should not make an obsession of one player of Chelsea because they have a few players who can score goals against us. What is important is that we have the ball, that we dominate the game and that we are efficient defensively.", säger Wenger.
Fysik är inte allt i fotboll
En journalist ställde frågan om vad Wenger tycker om det fysiska spelet inom fotbollen. Detta med tanke på att Chelsea är ett fysiskt lag som många tror kan gå in för att skrämma Arsenal. Wenger replikerade med att tekniska lag vinner stora titlar.
“How can you explain how Spain won the World Cup and Barcelona beat Chelsea in the Champions League? Football is not only down to physique. It's down to intelligence, technique, mobility. There is not one way. That's what makes it interesting. Did Didier Drogba score last week? No he didn’t, he played against Kolo Toure. When Toure played here you said he could not handle him. Suddenly when he moves to Manchester City he’s stronger.”, säger Wenger.
Lampards frånvaro ändrar inget
Wenger menar att det inte spelar någon roll om inte Frank Lampard spelar för Chelsea imorgon. Laget har andra spelare som kan skapa farligheter.
"If you ask me ‘do I regret he is not here?' then I would say no. However it does not change our approach, we want to have the ball and dominate. I am convinced Chelsea misses a player like Frank Lampard, because if you look at his numbers every year - the goals he has scored and the assists he has - he is one of the best players in Europe. He has always made it difficult for us, but Chelsea have always had a good team since I was here. He was one of their best players, and still is.", säger Wenger.
Fabianski är redo
Arsene Wenger tror att Lukasz Fabianski kan göra jobbet mot Chelsea imorgon. Almunia saknas med en armbågsskada och det öppnade för den polske målvakten när Arsenal spelade mot Partizan Belgrad. Mot serberna stod Fabianski för en utmärkt insats och det ska nu kunna fortsätta med tror Wenger.
“He had a good game in Belgrade and can just add another good game to the first one. That’s what I want him to do and I am convinced he can do that. He has the talent, he has the potential, he has the desire, a great attitude, so it’s all there to have a good game. Our job is about grabbing your chance when you have it. You must be ready the day you have your chance.”, säger Wenger.
Wilshere snart landslagsspelare
Jack Wilshere blev uttagen i U21-landslaget den här gången för att dom har en viktiga Play Off-matcher mot Rumänien som avgör om England går till U21 EM. Om Wenger själv hade fått välja hade han velat se honom i A-landslaget.
“It is not down to me which England team he is picked for but I select him for my first team and that means he is good enough because all my players are internationals. But I am convinced he will be called up for the senior national team, if it’s not this time it will be next. It is only a question of time. He’s playing very well.”, säger Wenger.
Clichy vill inte se West Brom-repris
Vänsterbacken Gael Clichy varnar de andra spelarna och förklarar att man måste prestera om man bär Arsenal tröjan. Om de blir en liknande insats som mot West Brom kan det bli en pinsam eftermiddag.
"That was a terrible game, very difficult to accept. For some reason the desire was not there and some players were tired but at this level you can't hide behind tiredness. West Brom are a smaller side than Arsenal so we should have won, everybody knows that. But give them credit, they played very well. We have to get our heads down again and get back to work. When you play for Arsenal people expect better and I can assure you if we play at Chelsea the way we did against West Brom it will be very difficult indeed.", säger Clichy.
Nu är det klart att Arsenals kapten missar matchen mot Chelsea. Under gårdagen har han förmodligen haft tester för att se om han har kunnat spela matchen men misslyckats. Även Kieran Gibbs är skadad och missar tre veckor. Han drog på sig en vadskada i Belgrad. Thomas Vermaelens ankelskada är svårläkt men Wenger säger att han inte behöver en operation. Men det kommer att ta tid för den att läka. De som missar matchen är alltså Fabregas(baksida lår), Kieran Gibbs(vad), Diaby(ben), Vermaelen(ankel), Walcott(ankel), Van Persie(ankel), Almunia(armbåge) och Ramsey(ben).
Trevlig Helg!
Källor: arsenal.com, skysports.com