Officiellt: Shahid Khan tar över Fulham

Officiellt: Shahid Khan tar över Fulham

Mohamed Al-Fayeds efterträdare blev som det spekulerades om: Shahid Khan. Den 62-årige affärsmannen kommer nu att äga Fulham FC till 100 %.

Det som det spekulerades om tidigare i veckan är nu definitivt klart. Det blir den 62-årige affärsmannen Shahid Khan som tar över Fulham FC. Ägarbytet har godkänts av Premier League och Shahid Khan kommer nu att äga Fulham till 100 %. En officiell presentation av Khan kommer att hållas på Craven Cottage under lördagen. Till Fulhams officiella hemsida sade Khan följande när övergången blivit klar:

"I was recently very fortunate to have been introduced to Mohamed Al Fayed, a man I respect and admire immensely for what he has accomplished in his life and – above all – what he has given others.  Today, he is giving me the privilege and responsibility of serving as the next custodian of Fulham Football Club.  I am extremely honoured to accept and want to thank him, on behalf of everyone who loves Fulham, for 16 years of exceptional service to the Club.  Mr Al Fayed rescued the club in its hour of need and has led it to a sustained place within the Premier League."

"Fulham is the perfect club at the perfect time for me.  I want to be clear, I do not view myself so much as the owner of Fulham, but a custodian of the club on behalf of its fans.  My priority is to ensure the club and Craven Cottage each have a viable and sustainable Premier League future that fans of present and future generations can be proud of. We will manage the club’s financial and operational affairs with prudence and care, with youth development and community programs as fundamentally important elements of Fulham’s future."

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Vidare tackar en annan stor man för sig. På lördag är det inte längre Mohamed Al-Fayed som står som ägare för Fulham när Khan kommer att installera sig på Craven Cottage för första gången. Al-Fayed är dock övertygad om att Khan är rätt man att äga Fulham nu när egyptiern lämnar klubben:

"Fulham will be in very good hands with Shahid, whose success in business and passion for sport is very evident.  I ask everyone who loves Fulham and our Craven Cottage home to welcome Shahid as he begins his journey as the next guardian of Fulham Football Club. By his hard work, vision and determination, Shahid Khan has become a living embodiment of the American success story.

His achievements speak for themselves. I met him twice prior to our successful transaction this week and have been very favourably impressed. I shall look to Shahid Khan to build on the success of the 16 seasons and to deliver the greater glory that the fans desire and deserve."

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Fredrik Wibergfredrik.wiberg@svenskafans.com2013-07-13 02:10:00

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