Förmidddagens Arsenal - 14 November 2010

Rakt på idag.


EUs kommissionär för sport besökte Gunners
Gunners fina arbete med "Community" lockar EUs folk. Som Mekka för muslimer ungefär, som Råsunda för gnagare och som troll till Manchester. EUs sportkommissionör Vassillou var på besök i London och besökte Emirates stadium. "I would like to congratulate the Premier League and Arsenal for their commitment to 'giving something back' to local communities through their support for social and educational projects. Sport - and football in particular - has an unrivalled capacity to act as a catalyst for social change. I hope that schemes like Kickz and the Double Club will inspire similar partnerships elsewhere. By working as a team, we can make the difference.” Hon lär också ha sagt "I also congratulate you for bringing the standard up in North London and help people realise that the Tottenham Hotspur area is not a normal feature of this part of London"

Arsenal Chief Executive, Ivan Gazidis log med hela ansiktet och hade dagen till ära målat en glad grekisk smiley på flinten": “We were delighted to host Commissioner Vassiliou’s visit to London today and hope that she enjoyed seeing some of the Club’s fantastic community work first-hand, as an example of the Premier League’s commitment to grass-roots investment. Arsenal in the Community has reached in excess of 1million individuals over the past 25 years through a variety of education, sport, social inclusion, charitable and global initiatives. This highlights the responsibility and ongoing commitment that we, as a Club, have towards serving the people at the very heart of our communities.”

Om grabbarna och tjejerna som sov
Så var natten över. Gunners har slaggat med ett gäng uteliggare på Old Spitalfields market. I början av kvällen dök Lukasz Fabianski upp och ville krypa ned i sovsäckarna men det gick ju inte. "Bring your own", sade de till polacken som lommade hem. Gunners team på plats leddes av Ivan Gazidis och var 12 man. 150 000 pund samlades ihop.

Kan inte säga annat aän att jag är mycket förjust i denne Gazidis. Verkar vara en enormt trevlig kille och med hjärtat på absolut rätt ställe. Undrar om han är ledig till jul?


Det vankas match mot Everton.The Toffees. Wenger sade "we must beat the Toffees" och Pat Rice sågs sedan gå lös på en påse med kola. Det har varit en hel del diskussioner kring olika spelare på senare tid och jag sammanfattar dessa nedan.  

Om Almunias framtid
Wenger ser inte att spanjoren, som skadade armbågen mot WBA, skall behöva lämna klubben. Inte alls. Han ger en metafor om ett tåg "You ask me ‘we are on a train, who wants to go to the terminal station and that means nobody moves out when the train is moving.When the train comes into that station I promise we will all come off the train". Vilken roll spelar då Almunia i detta? Är han konduktören? 

Om szczesnys framtid
Hösnuve-Wojciech har skrivit på ett nytt kontrakt. Wenger och polacken skrev på kontraktet och Wenger log och sade "Break a leg" och gapskrattade. Inte då., Wenger är nöjd med att ha en bra ung målvakt i klubben och säger "I just told Wojciech he has the quality to be an Arsenal goalkeeper and that it is down to him to show that. The only guarantees are their performances.We cannot say on one side that we are in top-level competition and also give the players guarantees. I don't give assurances to anybody for game time."


Om Bendtners "want away"
Danske Nicklas är en oroshärd av kommentarer och oftast pådriven av sin fader, som ser honom som en världsklassforward. Efter att  tidningar rapporterat om hans oro(se nedan), så menar Wenger"I communicate every day with him and he never told me that.I don’t know. Have you ever seen a player who is on the bench and not frustrated? He works hard, he has been out for a long time. I must say I have been very pleased with his attitude and spirit. He has to continue to work and when he is completely match fit he will play.I must say his attitude has been extremely committed and I can understand [his frustration] because he has put a lot of effort in. Now he has to be a little bit patient."


Om prat med van Marwijk
Wenger har mjuknat något kring van Persie och Holland. Han inser att holländaren behöver matchträning och kanske är det en möjlighet att ge honom ytterligare minuter."On one side this situation was completely surreal 10 or 12 days ago. Now he is still not completely there but if he can get 45 minutes and we can find an agreement on that it would be good for him to get some competition."

Om att rotera
Blackpool lämnade en hel elva hemma i veckans match och fick stryk och det blev oro i leden inom Premier League. Får man göra så? Jag minns när Tottenham åkte på Intertoto-stryk mot Köln med 0-8 1995 och spelade med ett juniorlag. Det blev ett herrans liv. Wenger har en viss förståelse för båda parter. "Vi har 25 man att leka med och då får man använda dem hur man vill", men samtidigt säger han "We are all in professional sport and what is the most important thing is to respect people who pay the money to watch the games. If people who bought a ticket at Aston Villa and think the game against Blackpool was a waste of money, we have to think about the problem.They are the decider and we must always have that in our minds. We have to respect people who pay to watch football. It is not only my opinion or the opinion of the press, it is the opinion of the people who watch the games."

Om Wilsheres landslagsmöjligheter
Det är landskamper igen och Englands mest högflyande unga stjärna just nu kan möjligtvis få starta matchen. Wenger se att han har en stor chans. Wilshere alltså. "I think he is ready at least to have a chance.Of course it is good for him to feel he is part of the national team, and he has a chance because in friendlies you can look at players.If he is selected, he will certainly have a chance to play.He is a player who had an exceptional start to the season, has given a lot and has full commitment, a good combination of talent, intelligence and he is still very young.”

Om Vermaelens skada
Belgarens kropp är som en belgisk blå; konstigt sammansatt. Muskler överallt och tre hälsenor. Wenger vet inte riktigt vad som hänt med belgarens häl. "I don’t know his next stage - he has seen specialist after specialist and the scans are OK.We have to be patient. We know a lot medically nowadays but there are some mysteries that we do not know about. At the moment we have no rational explanation for his pain. That means there is no reason to have surgery and there is no logical explanation for his pain. We have to be patient and just hope it will go.That means rest at the moment."

Om Cescs tackling
Det var långt från Elton Johns "Sorry seems to be the hardest word". Fàbregas gick rakt in i Wolves omklädningsrum - snärtade Ward med handduken och sade "Oy!, Senor. Sorry!, sedan gick han ut igen. Wenger tycker att Fàbregas gjorde det bra "Yes but when I said 'apologise', it was not exactly the right word.He went to the dressing-room to say sorry that I injured you. You play in the park tomorrow, you want to go for the ball, you’re late, you hit the guy, he goes down, you say sorry I didn’t want to hurt you.My thought [on the tackle] was that Cesc did not deserve to be sent off and the yellow card was the right decision."

Om Chamakhs framsteg
Chamakh har nu gjort fem mål i ligan och kan därför kallas "Marouane 5". Han skall eventuell uppräda på någon live-gala framöver. Wenger ser att han kan göra massor av mål också. "I hope [he does it].He is a guy who gets others involved, creates chances and who is collective in the final third. Even if he doesn’t get 20 goals I’m sure the players around him will score because of him. I am pleased because I expected a team player, someone who fights for the team, and I have not been disappointed by his commitment and contribution." Wenger inser att Chamakh kanske inte är en riktig striker men saåsom Gunners spelar, så gör alla mål. ,.


Fabregas om Wenger
Spanjoren menar att han aldrig sett Wehnger så koncentrerad och taggad. "Yes, yes, of this I'm sure I can guarantee you that, 100 per cent. I have been here for seven years, I'm now in my eighth year so I know him very well and I can tell you he is more focused than ever.He wants to win and he wants to prove that this young team can be winners, can be successful. That's his dream and he's working very hard for it."

Bendtner är missnöjd

I en intervju i BT så sägs Bendtner ha sagt ""I'm extremely disappointed with the lack of minutes on the field. I feel I've done everything right in getting back to fitness and I'm in the best shape of my life.I feel better than before the injury and at that point I was in the starting XI and close to fulfilling my potential.When I'm 100 per cent fit, I can't accept sitting on the bench.I'm 100 per cent good enough for the starting XI in Arsenal. I have the qualities and I've been sitting enough on the bench in my career. If my manager feels differently that's fair, and he's the one choosing the team, but then I disagree." Jag måste säga att jag tycker det låter skapligt tillrättalagt. Även Bendtner som varit skadad i ett halvår måste inse att han inte kliver rakt in i startelvan efter en sådan lång skadefrånvaro. Sedan kommer nästa"I simply have to get to the next stage in my career and that's the reason why I'm saying these things right now.If the situation doesn't change and I'm still on the bench at Arsenal, I'll look for a transfer. That's obvious. But my first priority is definitely - as it has always been - to play for Arsenal.I've had a lot of patience and I won't sit on the bench any more."

Eboué var ledsen en gång i tiden

Det var för några år sedan. Eboué gjorde årtiondets sämsta match. Han var så erbarmligt dålig att han nätt och jämnt hade spelat 90 minuter med Spurs. Då förstår ni. Mot Wigan blev han både inbytt och utbytt. Jag har inte sett det så många gånger, men jag minns Benjamin Kibebe i AIK en gång i tiden mot IFK Norrköping. Han byttes in efter femton minuter och Olle Nordin tog av honom i paus. Eboué menar" That day against Wigan I was very very sad, very disappointed. Not only about the fans but about football because I recognised I didn’t give my best on the pitch.But when the fans booed me I was very very very sad because I didn’t want to come back. The next day we had training but I didn’t want to come back. But when my friends called me to say, ‘Manu, we know it’s difficult for you but forget that and come back to training’.That gave me more power and when I returned the boss spoke with me and I was happy, the next day I forgot everything and the fans and I are like a family now.Since that day I feel comfortable on the pitch and if I play I always give my best because I’m a good player, the boss told me that already and I always give my best for the Club and the fans."

Reserver, juniorer och damlag

Juniorerna vann

Det går lite knackigt för Boulds 18-åringar , men nu slog man Ipswich Town med 3-1. Tre mål av Alban Bunjaku som gjort e´n hel del mål detta år.16 årige Bunjaku är en väldigt lovande och snabba spelare med goda framtidsutsikter

1932 spelades på denna dag en av de hårdaste matcherna som någonsin utspelats på jordklotet. Den kallas för "Battle of Britain" och var England - ITalien. Englands lag hade sju man från Gunners med och den legendariske backen Wilf Copping, som enligt media kom som en "Noshörning" demolerade tre italienare under resans gång. 3-2 till England. Denna dag den 14 November 1932.

Magnus Falk2010-11-14 11:20:00

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