Kvällens Arsenal - 22 oktober 2010
Wenger har som vanligt mycket att säga.

Kvällens Arsenal - 22 oktober 2010

I denna Kvällens Arsenal talar Wenger om Fabregas, Arshavin och Rooney-gate. Det finns även en skadeuppdatering och mycket annat.


Wenger tror att Fabregas stannar

När Arsene Wenger träffade aktieägarna i torsdags tillsammans med VD Ivan Gadzis var det många supportrar som undrade över Fabregas situation. Ska det bli en liknande tapping-up soppa även nästa sommar med en del Barcaspelare och en del tidningar? Wenger sa att han tror att Fabregas kan komma att stanna i klubben flera år framöver.

“Fabregas is a player who deeply loves the Club believe me.I believe he wants to win with this Club. For how long I don’t know, but I hope for many years. He is part of our potential to win and for how well we will do. You can understand he has an attraction to the club where he grew up. But I’m confident we will keep him for a few more years.”, säger Wenger.

Arshavin försvaras

Andrey Arshavin har inte het ut de senaste matcherna. Han har mest joggat runt och sett ointresserad ut på sin kant. Nu får han stöd av Wenger som förklarar att Arshvain skapar flest chanser i Premier League av alla spelare.

“If you look at the stats, he is the player who has created more chances than everybody else in the Premier League this season. So his numbers are quite surprising to people who think he has not done so well.”, säger Wenger.

Wenger pratar inte gärna om och när kontrakt förlängs med Arsenals spelare. Bara när de är förlängda läggs det upp på Arsenals hemsida. Men han tror att Arshavin har en lång framtid hos Arsenal.

“I think he has a long future at the Club - as long as his contract lasts at least, or until we extend his contract, and that is for I think 18 months.But we do not come out with our contract situations because that is an endless story. We are always in negotiations now because when you sign a player for four years, after two years you have to renegotiate so we keep it as quiet as possible.”, säger Wenger. Wenger

Pengar finns till spelarköp i januari

På supporterträffen i torsdags berättade Wenger att pengarna finns för spelarköp i januari. En bra målvakt hade nog inte många sagt emot även fast Fabianski har spelat bra de senaste matcherna. Det troliga är nog att Wenger håller hårt i plånboken och kastar in en ung spelare till.

“We have still resources available to bring one or two players in if needed in January. But you have seen when you look at the other clubs it’s fragile everywhere and they are in a situation where the players want to be at the top level. We had some players going out in the summer and we have decided to give confidence to the young players at the Club. Why? Because they have a special culture of playing the game and can integrate very quickly. We brought Squillaci, Koscielny and Chamakh and all of them have integrated very well into the spirit of the squad. I think they will be great additions to the team. They are winners, they don’t talk too much and they work very hard. So I believe in the transfer market we have done quite well. We made it our aim to keep our group of players together because I feel they meet their needs here. They know they are close to something special. They want to do it and that’s the challenge we have in front of us.”, säger Wenger.

Nya UEFA-regler kan skapa problem

Le Boss är inte så säker på att Premier League kommer att acceptera de ny hårdare finansiella regler som UEFA med Michael Platini i spetsen. Wenger tror att det behövs en övergångsperiod för att det ska gå att genomföra.

“If UEFA brings the rules in, these rules then give a problem to the Premier League. Will they accept them or continue with their own rules? I think they will not accept and teams will have a double problem – one team for England and one for Europe. Nobody knows yet what the rules will exactly be and anyway you will have to have a period of adaptation because players who are under contract now cannot go from one situation to another. You have to have an adaptation period to allow the clubs to adapt to the new rules. That is not for tomorrow.”, säger Wenger.

För många spelare för att Wenger ska signa Pires

På presskonferensen idag förklarade Wenger att Bobby Pires inte kommer att värvas in. Det är redan fullt på de platserna i laget. När Sol Campbell signades berodde det på att det fattades spelare i backlinjen.

“If we were short, I would sign Pires. But we are not short on the offensive side, so we do not need [anyone] in that department. That was clear between him and me at the start. We help the players who have played for us, but we have plenty of players on the offensive and creative side. We signed Sol Campbellbecause we were short", säger Wenger.

Att det har stått i tidningarna att Pires ska skriva på för Crawley Town överaskar Wenger som tycker att Pires platsar i Premier League.

"That is a big surprise, a bigger surprise than the signing of Wayne Rooney. Robert Pires can play in the Premier League. If he wants to go down that is his decision, I would not personally think [to] advise him that. It is down to him. Robert is a fantastic player still today and he loves to play, so anybody who signs him will make a good deal.", säger Wenger.

Rooney intresserar inte

Arsene Wenger tycker inte att det är något konstigt med Rooneys del i den så kallade Rooney-gate. Det som överaskade var att Manchester United gick ut i pressen och sa att spelaren inte ville skriva på ett nytt kontrakt. Wenger berättar att det händer hela tiden att spelare med 18 månader kvar på sitt kontrakt vill flytta.

“When I saw the headlines I just turned the page. It just shows it wasn’t worth making such a fuss about the story. I feel it was a situation where there was not a lot to talk about. You have a player 18 months from [the end of] his contract and so the only surprise for me is that Man United came out. But once the club did come out and said that they couldn’t find an agreement it was a message that they wanted to sell. Certainly now Rooney has got the guarantees he wanted, you can translate that like you want. But that is why I was never really interested in that story because what happened with Wayne Rooney happens to every club every year plenty of times. Just because he has a different name it was certainly a story. But it is a super-classical story which happens in every club every week, so I could never is understand what was really special in this case.”, säger Wenger.

Vad är spelarlojalitet?

Med Rooney har det blossat upp en debatt i England om spelarens inflytande och bristen på respekt mot sin klubb. Wenger tycker att det är viktigt att spelare respekterar sina kontrakt och ger sitt allt för klubben tills detta löper ut.

“Respect your contract. Complete loyalty would be to play for free if a club cannot pay you anymore. But I believe the real loyalty is to respect your contract as long as you stay at the club, never renegotiate when you have a contract and play until the last day of your commitment with full commitment. That is full loyalty. You know that when you work and tomorrow you will go somewhere else, but on the last day you give 100 per cent for your club, that is real loyalty.”, säger Wenger.

Wenger nära att köpa Yaya Toure

I en intervju med ATVO berättar Wenger att man var nära att värva Yaya Toure 2005 när han spelade i Belgiska Debrecen. Men problem med att få arbetstillstånd gjorde att det aldrig blev någon deal.

“We were very close. He has some trials here and we had an agreement with Beveren at the time he played there. We were very close.At the time he did not play with the national team, he was very young and couldn’t play for us. We needed patience to get a Belgian passport.”, säger Wenger.


Arshavin är självkritisk

I matchprogrammet inför matchen mot Shaktar Donetsk förklarar Andrey Arshavin att han inte har varit på topp på sistone. Även i Ryssland får han kritik för sin loja uppsyn.

“At the moment I think people have been criticising me personally more than the team. I think I deserve it, to be honest, because I haven’t been my best. They say that when I play for Arsenal I’m running, I want to win and am fighting, whereas in Russia I’m just standing in the same spot! It’s a suggestion that I don’t want to play for Russia, and of course it’s untrue.  Their expectation is that I should be putting in my best performance every time and I understand that, obviously, and try to do it.”, säger Arshavin.

Fabregas: Lagkänsla kan inte köpas

Inför matchen mot Manchester City menar Arsenals kapten Cesc Fabregas att ett lag behöver tid för att spela ihop sig och att lagkänsla inte är något man köper.

"You cannot buy the spirit in one year. You need a few years to get everyone together and to get to know each other well, and it’s not easy. You don’t make a team in one season or two. But, of course, they are in a very good position. They have all the ingredients to become a great club and we have to fight hard against them., säger Fabregas

Arsenal och Man Citys sätt att driva klubbarna är väldigt olika något som Fabregas är väl medveten om.

"Everyone chooses their own politics and everyone decides how to win. They have a lot of money. They are taking advantage of it, and that’s it. It is not our style, but we respect everyone’s decision.", säger Fabregas.

Bendtner känner sig stark

Efter att inte ha spelat sen matchen mot Spurs i våras känner nu Bendtner att han är i den bästa fysiska form han någonsin har varit. Bendnter kommer lägligt tillbaka då Chamakh har mer eller mindre har startat varje match och behöver vila.

“I would say I’m in the best physical shape ever. It’s definitely my intention to come back very strongly and show everyone what they’ve been missing.
Obviously the final little bit of sharpness you can only get in games, but apart from that I feel strong – and all that I’ve done physically, the running and everything, is so much sharper. My body’s sharper in general and I think my age has to do with it because you’ve grown more into your body when you’re 22, and it’s better than when you’re 20. I can see that I am physically in better shape, and that’s how I feel too. I picked up the injury at Spurs last season and since then there’d always be a little problem. I want to be here, score all the goals I can and help the team win in every competition we enter. I’ll be doing everything to contribute at my highest level.”
, säger Bendtner.

Skadeläget inför Man City

Det är nu sex spelare på Arsenals skadelista som i vanliga brukar vara ett epos. Bara en spelare återvänder till söndagens match mot Man City. Det är att Bacary Sagna som återvänder efter att dragit på sig en skada på landslagsuppdrag med Frankrike. Känns som man har hört den förut va? Annars så säger Wenger att de som har störst chans att att åter vara friska är Koscielny som har ryggont och Almunia som har haft armbågsproblem sen den strålande matchen mot West Brom. Vermaelen som har varit borta med en ankelskada sen ett landslagsuppehåll med Belgien ska vara tre veckor ifrån att vara kurerad. Även Van Persie är på bättringsvägen och ska vara klar för spel i november. Aaron Ramsey har som bekant börjat träna utomhus men kan nog inte räknas som frisk förens i December någon gång. Emmanuel Frimpong är kommer med all säkerhet missa resten av säsongen med en ligamentskada i knät.

Björn Alm2010-10-22 20:40:00

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