Nattens Arsenal - Efter förlusten
I denna mörka nattens Arsenal ger Arsene Wenger sin syn på förlusten mot Birmingham. Klubben har också gjort sin första förlust på länge. Många spelare uttalar sig också om titelmissen.
£ 2.5 miljoner i förlust under senaste sex månaderna
Arsenal redovisade en förlust på £2.5 miljoner för sex månaders perioden som slutade i november förra året. Samma period året innan var en vinst på nästan £30 miljoner. Anledningen till detta är att Arsenal inte har sålt spelare på transfermarknaden under sommaren 2010. Bara Eduardo försvann och inbringade £4 miljoner i jämförelse med sommaren innan då både Kolo Toure och Emmanuel Adebayor gick till Manchester City vilket gjorde att klubben kunde inkassera dryga £40 miljoner från sheijkerna. Resultatet beskrivs av ordförande Peter Hill-Wood som en "one-off" och att Arsenal är där man ska vara när det gäller det finansiella.
Hur ska då Arsenal få in mer pengar utan utomstående finansiärer? Enligt Vd:n Ivan Gazidis har klubben investerad både på och utanför planen.
“We’ve got a very young team, the average age against Barcelona was just 23 years old. What we’re focused on is making sure we keep the key talents in the team together and signing them to long-term contracts. There has been a significant investment on the field and the other part of our investment has been off the field. In boosting our capabilities, particularly in the commercial area, so that we can grow our global commercial income over the next four or five years, re-invest all the money we make back into the team and make sure we continue to be ahead of the curve, continue to be healthy and continue to drive forward.”, säger Gazidiz.
Det har skrivits en del i media att Arsenal kommer åka på turné i Japan till sommaren istället för att åka till Österrike. Det ska inbringa i runda slängar £15 miljoner. Och det är just globalt som Gazidis menar att klubben kan ta in mer pengar.
“Commercial is going to be a big focus for us, particularly globally. So as we look at our commercial partnerships, we have made a significant investment in our commercial partnerships team, and I think the fans will begin to see some of the results of that over the next years.”
För er som vill läsa halvårsredovisningen så finns den här.
Wenger om finalförlusten
Det avgörande målet...
"I am bitterly disappointed, like the whole team. We had some problems to start the game, the number of games we played caught up a little bit on us. It took us a while to get into the rhythm and pace of the game. In the second half we were on top, unfortunately we couldn’t score the second goal and, in the end, we made a mistake that left us no time at all to respond. We were preparing to play extra time."
Om Birmingham...
"Congratulations to Birmingham, they took advantage of the mistake [och] they took the trophy which hurts us tremendously. We have to be proud of our attitude, continue with our belief, pick ourselves up and face the other challenges we have. The team is very disappointed and we will face a lot of questions after that mistake tonight but we have to be strong enough to stand up. It is a good opportunity to show that we have the mental strength to respond to the situation like that."
Spelarnas känslor efter förlusten...
"Both of them [Koscielny och Szczesny] are destroyed. I don’t think it’s a good moment for me to add anything. We have to lift them up again and help them, that is what a team is about. That is part of the game, we had enough chances to kill the game off before. They could only be dangerous, in the end, on free kicks. Maybe we were a bit nervous on it as well."
Alla skador...
"What is difficult for us to take at the moment is that we lose too many players. We lost Walcott and Fabregas on Wednesday. Birmingham played their reserve team against Sheffield Wednesday and they started stronger than us until we got into the pace of the game. Physically we had a disadvantage because of the repetition of the games we play."
Djourou: - Bara att komma igen!
Enligt schweizaren Johan Djourou så måste Arsenal ta sig i kragen och komma igen efter den svidande förlusten mot Birmingham i Carling Cup.
"We have to bounce back. We just could not get that second goal to win us the Carling Cup, but we have other things coming up. We are still in the FA Cup, there is still the League and the Champions League, so we need to bounce back. Things like that [mistake] happen in football. It is just a shame it happened so near the end. But also mistakes make you stronger. We are aiming to get back to Wembley in the FA Cup and also the Champions League. We have to bounce back and go for glory. The Club needs to show character now and we have the resources to do it.", säger Djourou.
Rosicky ser framåt
Efter finalförlusten så vill Tomas Rosicky att Arsenal går vidare för att det finns mycket kvar att spela för.
"The big games are decided by who makes the most mistakes, and we made the big mistake. Obviously we are very disappointed but we have to pick ourselves up immediately. We have a game on Wednesday so we have to perform. The season doesn't finish now. We are still in a good position in other competitions so we have to quickly try to forget this and concentrate on other stuff. It's very important to go through to the next round. We have to try to forget about this and move on.", säger Rosicky.
Spelarna ber om ursäkt genom Twitter
Några av Arsenals spelare har twitterkonton och efter matchen var det flera av dom som ville be om förlåtelse för finalförlusten. Jack Wilshere var en av de första som var ute och bad om ursäkt.
"All i can say is sorry to the fans..it hurts alot i know but we must all stick together, still in 3 other comps! We have to move on!Sorry <3"
Bacary Sagna var kort och koncis.
"Just feel ashamed..sorry."
van Persie följde föregående talare.
"I'm very sorry that we didn't bring CC back to north london! Thanks for ur support today! Sorry again!"
Kapten Cesc Fabregas menade att finns mer att spela för den här säsongen.
"Congratulations to Birmingham. This team has great potential and there r still great targets to play for this season. Thanks for ur support."
Old Guns
Henry vill återvända till Arsenalfamiljen
Thierry Henry vill gärna komma tillbaka till Arsenal efter efter att han har lagt skorna på hyllan. Fransmannen som för närvarande återfinns på andra sidan atlanten i New York Red Bull kan tänka sig att vara "kit man" eller "water boy". Bara han får komma tillbaka till Arsenal.
“It goes without saying, I would love to go back there. I hope one day I can go back, I love that club and I just want to give as much as possible to this club, after what that club gave me."
“I know that the day Arsene leaves is going to be a difficult one, I don’t know who can replace him. That is going to be hard. Not only the winning part of it but what he was and what he is for the club and the way he transformed the club.
“Dennis Bergkamp, Patrick Vieira amd Tony Adams were all part of it and I am sure if you ask them if they would like to come back and do something with the club they would all tell you yes. But if one day, they want me, I have joked if I go back to be the kit man or the water boy, I don’t mind, I just want to be back one day. When I don’t know— I just want to be back.”, säger Henry.
Mer imorgon om skadeläget inför omspelet mot Leyton Orient i FA-cupen.
Källor: Arsenal.com, skysports.com, olika twitterkonton.