Truppen till Champions League klar

Truppen till Champions League klar

UEFA-reglementet som kräver ett visst antal egenproducerade spelare innebär att Liverpool tvingas ställa över spelare som Philipp Degen, Nabil El Zhar och David Ayala.

Liverpool har tagit ut en trupp på 28 spelare till gruppspelet i Champions League. I denna hittar vi bland andra Nathan Eccleston och David Amoo, men inte mer erfarna spelare som Philipp Degen, Nabil El Zhar och Daniel Ayala.

Att yngligarna föredras beror åtminstone till viss del på att UEFA-reglementet kräver ett visst antal egenproducerade spelare och för att uppfylla dessa krav har Degen, El Zhar och Ayala fått stryka på foten.

1 Diego Cavalieri
25 Pepe Reina
44 David Martin

2 Glen Johnson
5 Daniel Agger
12 Fabio Aurelio
16 Sotiris Kyrgiakos
22 Emiliano Insua*
23 Jamie Carragher
32 Stephen Darby *
34 Martin Kelly
37 Martin Skrtel
38 Andrea Dossena

4 Alberto Aquilani
8 Steven Gerrard
15 Yossi Benayoun
20 Javier Mascherano
21 Lucas
26 Jay Spearing
28 Damien Plessis*
39 Nathan Eccleston*

9 Fernando Torres
10 Andriy Voronin
11 Albert Riera
18 Dirk Kuyt
19 Ryan Babel
24 David N'Gog
46 David Amoo*

*Spelare på B-listan

För den som vill veta i detalj vad som gäller för A- respektive B-listan samt kraven på egenproducerade spelare klipper jag in paragraf 18.08-12 samt 18.15-16 från UEFA:s reglemente som behandlar just detta.

Conditions for registration: List A

18.08 No club may have more than 25 players on List A during the season. As a
minimum, places 18 to 25 on List A (eight places) are reserved exclusively
for “locally trained players” and no club may have more than four
“association-trained players” listed in places 18 to 25 on List A. List A must
specify the eight players who qualify as being “locally trained”, as well as
whether they are “club-trained” or “association-trained”. The possible
combinations that enable clubs to comply with the List A requirements are
set out in Annex VIII. 

18.09 A “locally trained player” is either a “club-trained player” or an “associationtrained

18.10 A “club-trained player” is a player who, between the age of 15 (or the start of
the season during which he turns 15) and 21 (or the end of the season during
which he turns 21), and irrespective of his nationality and age, has been
registered with his current club for a period, continuous or not, of three entire
seasons (i.e. a period starting with the first official match of the relevant
national championship and ending with the last official match of that relevant
national championship) or of 36 months. 

18.11 An “association-trained player” is a player who, between the age of 15 (or the
start of the season during which the player turns 15) and 21 (or the end of
the season during which the player turns 21), and irrespective of his
nationality and age, has been registered with a club or with other clubs
affiliated to the same national association as that of his current club for a
period, continuous or not, of three entire seasons or of 36 months. 

18.12 If a club has fewer than eight locally trained players in its squad (i.e. in places 
18 to 25 on List A), then the maximum number of players on List A is
reduced accordingly. Furthermore, if a club lists a player in places 18 to 25
on List A who does not fulfil the conditions set out in this article, that player 
not eligible to participate for the club in the UEFA club competition(s) in
question and the club is unable to replace him on List A.

Conditions for registration: List B
18.15 Each club is entitled to register an unlimited number of players on List B
during the season. The list must be submitted by no later than 24.00 CET on
the day before the match in question.

18.16 A player may be registered on List B if he is born on or after 1 January 1988
and has been eligible to play for the club concerned for any uninterrupted period 
of two years since his 15th birthday by the time he is registered with UEFA. Players
aged 16 may be registered on List B if they have been registered with the participating club for the previous two years without interruption.

Mattias 16:15:00

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