
Säsongen på vers

Här följer en kort och rolig sammanfattning av Liverpool´s säsong, på engelska för första gången på

Sprang på följande sammanfattning av Liverpool´s säsong på nätsidan och tyckte den var så kul att jag väljer att publicera den här på sidan. Jag lägger ut den i orginalform på engelska och hoppas at tni har överseende med det. Se den som en aptitretare på vad som komma skall från redaktionen här på

Liverpool F.C. Season 01/02: In Verse

The previous season brought us fame,
We beat the best from Italy, Portugal and Spain.
The Mancs they said our treble was plastic,
To all red scousers, it was just fantastic.

Roll on August, and 2 more joyful nights,
Manchester and Munich thrashed out of sight,
A mistake by Sander, and he left our goal,
The man who came in was a great big Pole.

September and back in the European Cup,
A loss to Villa at home and the Kop was shook.
The Goodison Derby, Riise made his mark,
He ran down the wing and left the Toffees in a nark.

13th October, the bleakest day,
Our Gerard in Ossie, motionless he lay,
An emotional victory against Kyiv away,
And all we could do was cry, and sing ALLEZ ALLEZ.

For the man from France who had made us dance,
Was very ill, death was a chance.
To Thommo we turned, the greatest red,
He did us proud, and the league we led.

November the 4th, we thrashed the Mancs,
A fantastic mosaic, our way of saying thanks.
A great night at Anfield, a standing Kop,
Barca were magic, Liverpool not yet cream of the crop.

A bleak December, losses in London and L4,
Our lead slipped away, some "fans" said we were a bore.
Jari must play they cried, Heskey is shit,
100 goals for Owen cheered us up a bit.

January was worse, Carra and Murphy booed,
The only bright spot, the form of El Dude.
The 22nd, what a glorious night,
Gerrard to Murphy, that lob, what a fantastic sight.

Then to February, and a wonderful few weeks,
Draws against Gala, no trouble of which to speak.
We applauded Fowler, but it was a strange sight,
A true Kop hero, playing in dirty Leeds white.

19/03/02 one of the greatest ever nights,
The Kop roared on, a sea of reds and whites.
Our Gerard was back, we sang, danced and cried
2-0 to the reds, and the Romans once again defied.

April brought a European Cup Quarter-Final,
But the Germans were classy, our hopes and dreams down the urinal.
Not to worry, we´d had a ball,
After Spurs away we knew we´d win fuck all.

Into May, and 2nd place to win,
A party on the 11th, oh what a din.
We cheered for Markus, Gerard and Gary Mac,
With hope in our hearts, the championship is coming back.

So the season is over, and GH is back,
If truth be told, we´re right on track.
Well done to Arsenal, they were the better team,
You´ll Never Walk Alone, next year we will fulfil our dreams.

Full credit to

Fredrik Johansson2002-05-15 08:30:00

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