
Bojkott av sponsorer

Många "rutinerade" fans väljer att bojkotta klubbens sponsorer.

Jamie Ravenshear, Shareholders United's svenske (trots att han är engelsman) talesman, har skrivit ett personligt brev till Vodafone. Vi hoppas att ni som kan, gör samma sak som Jamie.

Har precis skrivit detta brev och ska skicka det iväg imorgon till VD'n hos Vodafone.

Dear Grahame Maher,

Since the recent takeover of Manchester United Football Club by Malcolm Glazer I have, along with many other United fans, decided to boycott all products and sponsors of Manchester United.

In the last few days have tried on several occasions to cancel my subscription with Vodafone (being the main sponsor) but due to the fact that I have signed a contract until July 2006 my cancellation attempts have been refused.

So enclosed with this letter you will find my SIM card as I will no longer be using it. As soon as my contract is finished I will be cancelling it. Furthermore I will be writing for the Scandinavian Supporters club magazine and posting this on various football/united related forums on the internet and urging all Swedish fans to cancel their Vodafone contracts as well.

Of course if his takeover fails, or Vodafone pull out of their contract with United I would be more than happy to have a subscription with you again.

You are more than welcome to contact me on my new Comviq number 073..........

Sedan kommer jag att skriva likadana brev till Nike Sweden, Pepsi Sweden osv.

Dags at göra något positiv!


/ Jamie Ravenshear

Till saken hör att i måndags så hade 3000 personer sagt upp sina avtal med United's egen TV-kanal, MUTV, något som klubben förlorar £216000 på. Vid samma tidpunkt hade 26000 personer sagt upp sina avtal med Vodafone till ett värde av £15,6 miljoner!

Johan Nilsson2005-05-19 14:55:00

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