
Framtida tröjsponsor klar

Manchester United meddelade igår om att man nått ett sponsoravtal med Aon Corporation som är världens ledande riskrådgivare och humankapitalkonsult. Avtalet gäller från och med säsongen 2010/11. Inga detaljer publicerades.

Som en del av överenskommelsen kommer Aon att medverka på Manchester Uniteds världskända röda tröjor i fyra år. David Gill var glad över det nya avtalet och kommenterade enligt följande. 

"We look forward to being closely aligned with the world leader in risk management, a firm which shares our values and is an exciting partner for Manchester United. Today's announcement clearly strengthens our position as one of the biggest clubs in world football."

Medan Greg Case, Aon:s VD tillade:

"It is a unique opportunity when two leaders in their respective fields can come together in a partnership such as the one we are announcing today.

Manchester United has one of the most recognised sports brands in the world. David and his team are all about winning and about excellence; the same holds true for the Aon team. We play to win in our business, and that is why we believe this partnership will create tremendous benefits for both organisations worldwide.

While we are delighted that our brand will be showcased to over 330 million fans of Manchester United as well as the countless followers of football worldwide, we also are extremely excited about the opportunity to maximise the value of this partnership globally.”

Enligt flera tidningar i England är avtalet som gäller under fyra år värt £80 miljoner vilket gör det till det största och mest värdefulla inom världsfotbollen. 


Nico Selenius2009-06-04 16:15:00

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