
Kommersen dödar fotbollen

Nu råkar det ju vara så att vi tillhör världens mest kommersialiserade klubb och inte påverkas av pengaproblem, MEN, det finns andra som gör det...

TV-bolaget ITV Digital är i konkurs, för ett antal mindre klubbar saknas nu sammanlagt en nätt summa på runt 2,7 miljarder. Det här var pengar som dessa klubbar räknade med i sina budgetar. ITV ska inte få klara sig ur det här...

Det är omkring 13 klubbar som ligger i riskzonen för konkurs på grund av detta. Det är ännu fler som påverkas av det.

Detta slår ut på alla, Watford har nu blivit tvungna, ja de påstår det i alla, att sparka sin manager Gianluca Vialli till följd av ITV:s krasch.

Världens äldsta fotbollsklubb, Notts County, är den senaste i raden av lag som nu drivs av konkursförvaltare.
Ska County försvinna med sina 140 år på nacken tack vare att ett smutsigt tv-bolag vägrar att betala sina utlovade pengar?

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Det här är brevet jag fick från Alex Burmaster som driver kampanjen mot ITV

Hello Aron ,

As you may or may not be aware, clubs in English football are facing one of the biggest crises in the history of the game. ITV Digital has been closed down in order to avoid paying the £178.5m it still owes to Football League clubs over a television deal. Up to 30-40 clubs, who relied on this money, could go bankrupt if they don’t get this money owed to them.

However, football fans in England have joined together in organising a protest against ITV Digital’s parent companies Carlton and Granada - the ones responsible for closing it down.

This national campaign, entitled ‘Can the Commercials’, has received official support from the Football League and many of the games most important figures. Thousands of fans are registering their support and the campaign has received considerable national media coverage.

The campaign involves fans registering their support online at a specially set up website saying they will boycott advertisement breaks on ITV1 during specific football broadcasts.

This is where you come in. Many of the companies advertising on Carlton and Granada during boycotted breaks are global brands with global reach. We are hoping that internationally-based fans of the English game will pledge their support for the campaign and join other fans around the world in the fight to save the Home of Football.

It would be great if your club could back the campaign, spreading the word to all your members and get them to sign up at

If you have any questions, please do contact me and I’ll be happy to give you more information.

Many thanks


Alex Burmaster
Campaigns Director
The Football Fans Union 10 Greenland Street, London, NW1 0ND
T 020 7428 4940 F 0870 831 3018

Aron Bergehall2002-06-20 02:36:00

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