

Varför är vi så jäkla envisa egentligen?

Som vanligt har man har läst mycket på olika forum runt om på internet och framför allt här på Svenska Fans. Folk undrar varför United-supportrar gnäller på Glazer och vad som är felet egentligen? För att klargöra saken en del så kommer jag här att lägga in en text från en amerikansk United-supporter, Darren W. Caudhill webmaster på MUFCUSA. Han beskriver nästan ordagrannt det jag själv, som supporter sedan snart 20 år tillbaka, känner för United.

Det är ett brev till amerikanska medier, som sympatiserar med Glazer. Jag har markerat det jag tycker är viktigast med fet text.

To whom it may concern in the media,

As an American supporter of Manchester United, a long time member of the club, Shareholders United and webmaster, I felt like it was time that I made an attempt to correct a couple of the myths being put forth in the news about the supporters of our club and reasons for our opposition to the takeover bid by malcolm glazer.

To understand why we feel the way we do about glazer, you must first understand WHAT we feel instead of assuming that you already know. I can assure you that you don't know.

Firstly, we don't care that glazer is an American. It is completely arrogant to even think such a thing, I AM an American and I know better. Yet, writer after writer keep pumping out this trash in their columns and on the evening news in an attempt to gain glazer sympathy by spinning it that way. Are some of you on his payroll? I can think of no other reason for it. It's a job well done, fellas. Many in your business do the same thing every single day on the Iraqi war, so I suppose that I shouldn't be surprised that you've once again managed to make horse droppings look like something to be proud of on this one as well. It's not about his being an American.

Secondly, for the majority of Manchester United supporters (not Man U by the way who or whatever that may be. It must be some pet name that you boys and girls have made up because the club we are talking about is Manchester United and has been for more than 100 years) this club means far more to us than winning or losing. It is family and for most it is even religion. We are NOT a franchise, we are a football club. We are also the most successful sports club on this planet. We have no need of this man or his money. We especially don't need his debt. Still, it's not about money or his being an American.

The tribalism that comes with the support of a club like this is an anomaly to many Americans. It's not something we see here. I suppose that you could make a case for certain teams having great support, but not to the tune of 53 million like Manchester United have. Seats are willed to family members. All over the world, people get up in the middle of the night for 10 months of the year so that they can listen to the matches on internet radio, or get teletext feeds. Children are named after players and managers. People regularly spend life savings to visit Old Trafford just once and still others have their ashes spread along the side of the pitch upon death. It's that serious. It's not about money or his being an American.

Lastly, it's the traditions of club. It's the pride, passion and commitment to excellence. It's about being a part of something bigger than yourself. It's a love affair with a team, a city and a people. It's being part of a Red family. Those 11 lads in red that get after a ball at 3pm on Saturdays represent us and carry those traditions, passion and history with them. We live and die with them. I now know and converse with people all over the world on a daily basis about Manchester United. I can also visit nearly every country on this planet and be welcomed by my Red family. Perhaps the American government should take some lessons from us regarding international relations. We have no problem with it, and continue to make new friends in places most American have never even heard of. It's not about money or his being an American.

In conclusion, please don't try to spin this thing to make us out to be insane xenophobic hooligans. Nothing could be farther from the truth. We are merely a large bunch of men and women who care more about our club than winning trophies. We will protect it with the same passion that we support it. We don't want glazer and we don't need him. Unfortunately, it looks as if we haven't a lot of choice for the moment, but our resolve is rock solid. If it takes us years to rid ourselves of him, that is exactly what we will work tirelessly to do. glazer has underestimated us and in my humble opinion will ultimately turn out to be his undoing. I cannot fault the man for wanting to do business with us as our club is a profitable one, but he has made one fatal mistake. He failed to do his homework on the club, it's supporters and what it is that we are all about. This shouldn't be news to any of you in the media, in fact it seems to be a lovely hat that nearly all of you are wearing. It's not about money or his being an American. The only ones who seem to think that this is the case is some of you.

Respectfully yours,

Darren W Caudill - Webmaster,
Manchester United supporter and shareholder

Johan Nilsson2005-05-20 00:05:00

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