Ferguson: "Jag har fortfarande makten"

Ferguson: "Jag har fortfarande makten"

Sir Alex anser att de framgångsrika kontraktsförhandlingarna med Wayne Rooney bevisar att maktbalansen fortfarande är den rätta i Manchester United.

Ferguson anser att Rooney fick dåliga råd när han ursprungligen beslöt att inte förlänga sitt kontrakt med United i oktober. Anfallaren gjorde dock en fullständig U-sväng och signerade i stället ett nytt kontrakt med klubben. Efteråt har Rooney bett om ursäkt för fansen, meddelat att City aldrig var ett alternativ och att det hela var ett stort misstag av honom.

Ferguson har också hårt kritiserat de "otroliga" kraven som agenterna ställer i fotbollen. Han hävdar även samtidigt att resultatet av sagan bevisar att maktbalansen är den rätta i United.

"The most important thing you have to have managing at our club, and I'm sure it is now embedded in the constitution of the club, is that the most important person at Manchester United is the manager", sade Ferguson till RTE.

"The minute a player becomes more powerful than the manager of Manchester United, our club is finished. It will never be the same.

There is a way of dealing with things. You have to be strong and have the support of the board and I have always had that. The important thing is to have your control because that is vital.

In the case of Wayne, there is no doubt that he took bad advice. We are having to deal with agents all the time nowadays and it's a hard job to deal with these people.

They come in with an imagination that's beyond belief. I remember one agent wanted a striker to be paid for all of the goals that he scored. I told Martin Edwards to remind the agent that was the reason why we wanted to buy the player!

Another wanted us to buy blocks of flats for him! This is what you're dealing with today - it's unbelievable."

Fortsättningsvis talade Ferguson om spekulationerna gällande hans ålder och en möjlig pensionering, efter att skotten dragit tillbaka sina planer att lägga av 2002.

"I'm 69 now, but you say to yourself, what happens when you retire? What do you do? I said to my wife some time ago that we could always travel, but at our age, you can't just jump on a plane.

That's why I have no plans. There are no plans for me to retire. I hope my health stays as it is so I can carry on.

I made a mistake some years ago because I thought my 60th birthday was a good time to retire.

I changed my mind, but they (United) had already approached Sven Goran Eriksson to take the job. I said my family are going off their head and Maurice Watkins (club solicitor) just laughed and said, OK."


Nico Selenius2011-01-03 12:30:00

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