Fletcher: "Vi kan spela mycket bättre"
Redo att slåss om titeln. Ligatiteln.

Fletcher: "Vi kan spela mycket bättre"

Enligt Darren Fletcher måste United lyfta sitt spel till en ny nivå för att i maj kunna ta hem ligatiteln.

Trots en komfortabel ledning på fyra poäng i ligatoppen anser Darren Fletcher att United måste hitta storformen för att kunna ta hem ligatiteln i maj. Derbyt i helgen är endast ett av flera svåra hinder på vägen mot bucklan, och det är nu United måste bevisa sin storhet.

“We feel we have played well at times this season. But we expect more – we expect more of ourselves all the time – there’s no ceiling on performance levels here.

There are a lot of tough games to come and there’s a long way to go to win the league. We definitely feel as though we can play better and hopefully our form improves towards the end of the season, which is when it really matters in the league and the Champions League. This is when the big games come, the matches that ultimately win you trophies.

We’ve got to go to Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal and we play Manchester City this weekend. There are a lot of big matches ahead. But we enjoy big games here and this club is all about performing and rising to those challenges.

We know all of that lies ahead of us and we’ve never naïvely thought that the league is over. There is a lot of hard work to come, lots of big games and plenty of twists and turns I’m sure.”

Ifall United är intresserade av att vinna derbyt i helgen måste man rycka upp sig rejält efter förlusten senast, men Fletcher hävdar att United är redo att slåss om titeln.

“You have got to earn the title. Nobody is going to give you the trophy lightly. You have got to earn it off your own back.

The team that wins the league will be the team that deserves it, the side that showed the best form throughout the season. Hopefully we can prove our title credentials in the next few months.”


Nico Selenius2011-02-10 15:30:00

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