Giggs vill fortsätta

Giggs vill fortsätta

Ryan Giggs är redo att fortsätta sin fenomenala karriär i United och säger att kontraktsförhandlingarna endast är en formalitet.

Ryan Giggs uppger idag att han är redo att förlänga sitt kontrakt i United, åtminstone med ett år. 37-åringens fysiska kondition ligger fortfarande på en väldigt bra nivå, och när evighetsmaskinen dessutom levererat på fotbollsplanen, ser han inte någon anledning att lägga av.

"I am quite happy still playing at the moment. I am really happy and enjoying my football as much as ever. I said if I was still enjoying myself and still getting picked I would carry on. We will sit down and talk but I am really looking forward to playing next year.

[The talks] will follow the pattern of the last three or four years. The talks have been done and dusted very quickly. I don't know when it will be sorted out. We have been quite relaxed about it over the years. We will sit down when we have time and have a chat. It is usually done and dusted quite quickly."

Giggsy medger att han är ärlig gentemot sig själv och han vet när det är dags att avsluta karriären.

"You are a lot more honest with yourself. You know whether you have played well or not. When you are younger you are probably not as honest. You try to think of any excuse! I am experienced enough to know whether I have played well or not."

Walesaren blev hyllad av Ferguson i veckan och relationen med skotten är bättre än någonsin.

"It is good to hear praise from the manager. He would be the first one to tell me if I was not playing well or my form wasn't good. I have generally been happy with my form. But there is room for improvement.

We talk a lot more. We are a lot more honest with each other. He tells me when I am not going to play. He gives me a little bit more notice now. It is a great relationship and one that has been a big part of why I am still playing because together we can manage myself properly and get me ready for games fit and fresh.

I am not too bad. Of course I want to be involved in every game but I want to be at my best in every game. I realise I can't play every game. You trust the manager."


Nico Selenius2011-01-21 12:25:00

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