Steve Clarke presentert som ny Readingmanager
Det tok under et døgn. Ny manager er på plass.
Steve Clarke fikk sparken fra West Bromwich for nøyaktig ett år og en dag siden i dag (16.sep.). Nå er han på plass i Reading. Og med seg har han en utrolig imponerende CV. Han har jobbet som assistentmanager under managernavn som for eksempel Jose Mourinho hvor han vant Premier League to ganger. Han har vært assistentmanager i Newcastle, West Ham, Liverpool, West Bromwich og Chelsea. 8. juni 2012 fikk han en stor oppgave. Han hadde takket ja til tilbudet om å bli ny manager for West Bromwich Albion. Første sesongen endte med klubbens beste plassering noensinne: 8. plass i Premier League.
Steve Clarke har også god erfaring som spiller for St. Mirren og Chelsea. Han har over 200 kamper for St. Mirren, mens han har hele 330 kamper for Chelsea i perioden 1987-1998. I tillegg har han 6 kamper for det skotske landslaget.
Reading kalte inn til pressekonferanse 16:15. Den begynte ikke før 16:45. Men da kom the man himself ut. Og dette var noe av det han sa:
“I am absolutely delighted to be joining Reading Football Club and I look forward to helping the club move in the right direction. A big part of the work ahead is on the training ground and I look forward to meeting the players and getting onto the grass with them. There is real potential here and hopefully exciting times ahead for the supporters.”
«I look forward to getting Reading back to where they want to be.»
«I want to get the team successful on the pitch and I want to do that as quickly as possible.»
«We want to close the gap on the teams above us and start moving up the table as quickly as possible. The potential is there.»
Og når en journalist spurte hva slags fotball fansen kan forvente å se sa han følgende:«Steve Clarke teams like to win!»
Sir John Madejski sa dette: “I would like to wholeheartedly welcome Steve to Reading Football Club and wish him every success here. He comes with a CV of the very highest order and I look forward to moving back up the table with him in charge.
“It has been a difficult period for all concerned, but now we can look forwards. Nigel Adkins worked tirelessly to achieve success, sadly it did not work out for him but we wish him, his family and staff well for the future. Now we look forward to a new era under Steve’s stewardship and I for one am excited about this new beginning.”
Chairwoman Lady Sasima Srivikorn hadde også viktige ting å dele med fansen: “We have appointed Steve because of his proven history as a manager and coach. We have chosen a leader who can develop our players and help them perform to the best of their ability. We will monitor the transfer market in the next window, but within the limits of Financial Fair Play, so therefore Steve has the right attributes to help our squad and he was our first choice. We look forward to moving up the league and the board share the view that we have found the right man in Steve.”
Steve vil lede laget mot Watford på lørdag, og vi håper på mange tilskuere.
Vi ønsker Steve lykke til!