Red News - 20/6: Ridå för United-kvartett
I "Red News" får ni senaste nytt ifrån klubben.
The Baggies i premiären
Titelförsvarande United ställs mot WBA i säsongens första ligamatch. Matchen kommer att spelas den 13 augusti (datumet kan ändras). United har en, minst sagt, tuff start, när man redan i den andra respektive tredje omgången möter Tottenham & Arsenal, båda matcherna på Old Trafford.
Welbeck nätade igen, men England åkte ut
Det engelska U-21 landslaget behövde ta en 3-poängare mot Tjeckien i vad som var den sista matchen i gruppspelet. Trots en allt annat än imponerande insats tog man ledningen genom Danny Welbeck som gjorde sitt andra mål i turneringen. Tjeckien kvitterade dock i den 89’ minuten när Jan Chramosta från kort avstånd stötte in 1-1. Tomas Pekhart sköt in bollen i öppet mål 4 minuter in på tilläggstiden, respass för England, ridå för Manchester Uniteds 4 representanter: Danny Welbeck, Tom Cleverley, Chris Smalling och nyförvärvet Phil Jones. Kommentarer efter matchen:
Welbeck: "I don't know how we're going out after that performance. All the lads have taken a hit and it's just a down feeling. We had the tactics right, keep the ball moving and hopefully wait for our chance – we took it, and were just unlucky to lose the game in the end."
Smalling: "We played really well, probably our best game. If we would have played like that in the last two games then we probably wouldn't have had any complaints that we didn't get the luck of the green. They got their luck with a ricochet, but fair play to them that they won the game and good luck in the rest of the tournament."
Paul Scholes om att vara tränare
Efter en 17 år lång karriär var det dags för United-legendaren Paul Scholes att tacka för sig. Scholes kommer, från och med nästa säsong, att ta sig an en roll som tränare i Manchester United.
“I’m not too sure what the manager wants me to do yet but I’m looking forward to it. I've done bits and pieces. It’s certainly something different and I just want to be able to help players in whatever way I can.
I haven't done that much yet but what I have done I have enjoyed. I am not looking too far ahead. I just want to get into it and start it and hopefully I can do the job.
If I can do it I will want to be as good as I possibly can be. I just don't know at what level I will be most comfortable. I will just take it as it comes. If I get some confidence as I am doing it we will take it from there.
You think the end is never going to come and you don't think about what to do like I have in the last six months. In the last six months I have been thinking about it. I am going to give the coaching a go.
It might not work out and I might have to end up doing something else. Football is the only thing I know a little bit about. I will try coaching and if it doesn't work or I am not very good at it I won't carry on doing it. I think I will probably know within two or three weeks of starting the job whether I am will be any good or if I want to carry on doing it."
Valencia får spela Copa America
Luis Antonio Valencia är uttagen till Ecuadors 23-manna trupp som kommer att delta i Copa America, som drar igång den 1 juli. Ecuador, som aldrig tidigare vunnit Copa America, har Brasilien, Paraguay & Venezuela i sin grupp. 3 juli möts Ecuador & Paraguay.
Hernandez sköt Mexiko till semifinal i CONCACAF Gold Cup
Guatemala tog ledningen redan i den 5' matchminuten, men Mexiko svarade i den andra halvleken, och Hernandez klackade in 2-1 i den 66' minuten, efter att Aldo De Nigri kvitterat i början av andra.
"This time it was different than the other games when we scored first. We went in and worked hard in the second half to get chances. My goal was instinct. I saw the ball at my feet and put the ball in the net."
Sa matchvinnaren Javier Hernandez efter matchen. “Chicharito” är nu uppe på 6 mål i turneringen.
Rory Rory Man United
Nyblivne US Open Golf mästaren Rory Mcllroy talar ut om sin kärlek till Manchester United på klubbens officiella sida (manutd.com):
What are your earliest memories of supporting United?
“All my mum’s side of the family are United supporters – but my dad’s actually a City fan so we have a few rows in the house! My first memory is the FA Cup final in 1996. I remember the green and white that Liverpool wore and, of course, Cantona’s late winner.”
How often are you able you get to Old Trafford?
“The first time was when I was about 14 or 15, and we beat Liverpool again. I’m a season-ticket holder now, so I’ve been to a few games this season, and we’ve never lost when I’ve been there. I love to get over as much as I can although one of my favourite memories watching United was away from Old Trafford, at Anfield in fact, when John O’Shea scored in injury time at the Kop end.”
How do you follow the team when you’re away on tour?
“[Fellow Northern Irish golfer and deposed US Open champion] Graeme McDowell is a big United fan as well, so any time we’re away we try to catch the games together. I’ve spent a lot of time away from the golf course with Graeme in the past few years, and most of that time has been going to a bar somewhere in the world to watch United.”
Who are your favourite United players?
“Beckham was the big one for me growing up. Roy Keane was another hero – he was massive, and he has the Irish connection as well. I loved Gabriel Heinze when he was there and I love Patrice Evra now. I don’t know why I love Patrice so much, he just brings so much to the game. He gives a bit of an edge to it.”
What’s the secret of the Reds’ success?
“It’s almost a habit. United have had a great knack over the years of producing good football when they need to. It’s something that great players and great teams seem to do. And that’s what makes the difference between good players and great players.”
Stora ord från en sann ”Red Devil”.
De Laet lånas ut
United-försvararen Ritchie De Laet kommer att lånas ut till Norwich City under hela nästa säsong. Ett utmärkt beslut av Ritchie, som nu får chansen att visa om han håller på en relativt hög nivå.