Sir Bobby entusiastisk över Scholes comeback

Sir Bobby entusiastisk över Scholes comeback

Paul Scholes comeback värmer Sir Bobby Charlton, en av få United-legender som har spelat fler matcher för klubben än Scholes.

United Review fick en pratstund med en av ambassadörerna för klubben, Sir Bobby Charlton som säger sig vara mer optimistisk över att Manchester United ska kamma hem Premier League 2012 efter att Paul Scholes gjort comeback.

"Paul Scholes returning to the squad is one of the best pieces of news I’ve ever had"

"I can imagine he’s been as patient as he could be, but at the end of the day he had to give in because he just wanted to come and play. He’s a fantastic player and we’re so lucky to have him. I was really knocked out when I heard the news and it made last Sunday the best day of my week."

Förmodligen var föregående vecka ännu bättre för Sir Bobby, med Paul Scholes från start mot Bolton var det just han, med sitt 1-0 mål i slutet av första halvlek som banade väg för Uniteds 3-0 viktoria. På sättet han dök upp vid bortre stolpen, vid rätt tidpunkt var typiskt Scholes.

“He’s a sensational footballer, he’s happier now, you can see. I have no idea how long he’ll play - probably just till the end of the season, I don’t know - but it’s fantastic news.”

"He’s a great player and we’re very lucky, because maybe the one thing Sir Alex had given a bit of thought to was that we needed a creative player in midfield. Suddenly there’s a knock on the door and it’s Paul Scholes saying he wants to play again. Alex must have thought it was Christmas all over again!”


Jesper Karlsson2012-01-17 11:19:00

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