
Sånghäfte inför lördag

På lördag kommer lillebror på besök till Stadium of Light för ett oerhört laddat derby. För att vi alla skall ha något att sjunga under matchen bjuder vi här på ett sånghäfte vi alla kan lära oss tills på lördag. Sedan är det bara att ta i för full hals och förnedra skatorna både på planen och läktaren.

Vers 1.
Fuck 'em all
fuck 'em all
Robson and Shearer and all
we'll never be mastered by black and white bastards
cos Sunderlands the best of 'em all

Vers 2.
The Gallowgate
The Gallowgate
Is always full
Is always full
The Gallowgate is always full
Full of what?
Full of puffs, shits and wankers
The Gallowgate
Is always full

Vers 3.
Singin i-i-ippy-fuck the mags!
Singin i-i-ippy-fuck the mags!
Singin i-i-ippy, i-i-ippy I-i-ippy-fuck the mags!

Vers 4.
shearer is a wanker
he wears a wankers hat
he plays for scum united
he is a fucking twat
he fucks up on the left wing
he fucks up on the right
and when he plays for England
he's a load of fucking shite

Vers 5.
There's a circus in the Town, in the Town
Mike Ashley is a clown, is a clown
And Jonny Hall has only got one ball
And Newcastle United are going down, going down

Vers 6.
If I had the wings of a sparrow,
And an arse the size of a crows,
I'd fly all over Saint James',
And shit on the bastards below!

Vers 7.
In the Newcastle slums,
In the Newcastle slums.
They look in the dustbins
For something to eat,
They find a dead rat
And they think it's a treat.
In the Newcastle slums.

Vers 8.
When i was young,
I had ne sense,
I bought a flute,
For 50 pence,
The only tune,
That i could play,

Vers 9.
Shoes off, if you hate the mags! shoes off, if you hate the mags!
Jeans down, if you hate the mags! Jeans down, if you hate the mags!"
continue with shirt, socks etc untill your are naked

Vers 10.
We had Joy, we had Fun, we had Magpies on the run
but the Joy didn't last cos the bastards ran too fast !!

Sådär gott folk. Det är bara att skriva ut detta ultimata sånghäfte, dela ut det till alla du känner och skapa sedan en allsång utöver det vanliga.



Jimmy Lorentsson2008-10-23 22:37:00

Fler artiklar om Sunderland

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