Ian Rush jämför Swansea med Arsenal
Ian Rush på Eyravallen 1986.

Ian Rush jämför Swansea med Arsenal

Efter matchen mot Cardiff i tisdags, där Rush var involverad i SKY Sports sändning, såg han tydliga likheter mellan lagens typ av spelstil:

"Swansea played in the identical vein as Arsenal. At times they overplayed, looking for that perfect goal. But that was a measure of the confidence they had about them when the ball was at their feet. There were times when Swansea should have had a shot at goal, but they passed and that is what Arsenal do at their level. Swansea had so much ability on the ball they were waiting for the Cardiff players to just dive in and concede free-kicks in dangerous areas, which is exactly how the winning goal came."

"They were clever and that’s typical of what foreign players do. They draw in the opposition, knowing their British counterparts cannot resist a dig to get the ball back. That is exactly how Arsenal, with their foreign players, play the game too."

"Swansea, like Arsenal, used their wide men very well. They stretched Cardiff because the players in the centre of midfield were so good and so quick at passing the ball.I thought the football that was played was a good advert for Welsh football and Swansea fully deserved to win.They were very patient in what they did and kept the ball for much bigger periods than Cardiff, even though for the first 15 minutes or so Cardiff were the better team and should have taken the lead.But once they permitted Swansea a bit of space, the tide turned totally."

Ian Rush fortsätter i intervjun att oroa sig för hur Swanseas klapp-klapp-spel kommer att drabbas av dåliga planer i januari. Troligtvis såg han inte då hur väl spelet fungerade i våras trots allt, till slut vann man också L1 med hela 10 poäng.

källa (citat): SwansOnline

Pelle Nilsson2008-09-25 13:42:00

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