Ferrie Bodde: "Allen bättre än Ramsey"
Joe Allen har blivit en klubbens viktigaste spelare.

Ferrie Bodde: "Allen bättre än Ramsey"

Ferrie Bodde var inte sen att hylla Swanseas egen talang Joe Allen, som vann MoM i senaste matchen mot Bristol City. Själv återfanns Bodde på bänken efter en långvarig skada men kom in i slutet av matchen. Allen är bara 19 år och har utvecklats varje säsong. Lite ironiskt har nog Boddes svåra knäskada (borta 10 månader) bidragit till att Allen fick mycket speltid förra säsongen. Bodde säger själv ödmjukt:

“He likes to watch me, Leon (Britton) and Darren (Pratley) as a three, but he is part of it as well. We have a big (centralt, red:s anm.) midfield now with Andrea Orlandi and Jordi Lopez as well and that’s a good thing for Swansea."

“Joe has really good potential to be a big player. It’s a joy to watch him because he understands everything already. His passing, the way he attacks from midfield and the fact he is not scared to be strong in the challenge – I love that. If he keeps playing like that, he will be a big player."

För alla fans är det nog dags att fundera över just detta. Undertecknad har själv sett Bodde, Britton och Prats som den magiska trion men Allen anses av fler och fler vara kanske den bäste av alla.

“I can see him playing for a big club in the Premiership within the next few years, I say that because, if you see Aaron Ramsey play, Joe is no worse than him. He has got the same skills and I think he has a little bit more than Ramsey. I hope the big clubs come and watch him and give him a big future too."

"But he has only just signed a new deal with Swansea and that is good for him at the moment. We play a good style and it will be good for him to get plenty of minutes before making the step up to the Premier League, something he may do with Swansea."

"Every player has got ambitions but I don’t think Joe’s is to play in the Premiership yet because he is a smart boy. I think he knows it’s important he establishes himself at Swansea first."

Vi får hoppas att Ferrie Bodde har rätt. Utvecklas Allen i den takt som hittills skett, kan det dock vara svårt för Swansea att behålla spelaren om man inte tar klivet upp i PL inom två, tre år.

Källa (citat): PlanetSwans

Pelle Nilsson2009-09-17 11:32:00

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