Angel Rangel förlänger med Swansea

Angel Rangel förlänger med Swansea

Efter att ha kopplats ihop Fulham verkade Rangels dagar i Swansea vara räknade. Han gick också ut i press och beklagade sig, vilket fick Swanseas klubbchef att bli rasande.

I och med att Rangel spelade sin 23:e match denna säsong i matchen mot Plymouth utlöses dock en automatisk förlängning med ett år. Rangel kommenterade på följande sätt:
“I am very happy to sign the extension. It was never a concern for me. I have always said that Swansea gave me my opportunity in British football and I am so grateful for it. Now I see the opportunity to reach the Premiership with Swansea, which has always been my aim.

Apart from a few days at the end of January, that has always been my main focus. Two seasons ago I wouldn’t have believed I would be in this position, but we have been in the play-offs for a while and really do have a good chance to get promoted. The good thing at Swansea is that not many players have been in the Premiership so everyone is really hungry to get there. It would be a dream for everyone here and it’s very exciting.

Instead of moving on and trying another club, the best thing in the world would be reaching the Premiership with Swansea. I think everyone is working hard towards that and I am very happy to be a part of it.”

Pelle Nilsson2010-02-19 09:11:28

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