Notis: Bra nyheter om Monks skada
Först trodde man att Monk skulle vara borta nio månader på grund av skada, sedanblev det tre månader. Nu har Monk gått ut med glädjande besked att han nog bara blir borta 6-8 veckor. Förvisso en lång tid, men betydligt bättre än tre månader. På officiella hemsidan skriver han:
"I should be back within six to eight weeks. I am still not happy to be out injured, but considering I thought I would be out for nine months, this is a good result for me. It's bitter sweet. I knew something was wrong straightaway because the player's weight went straight on my leg. Then I started to worry because the knee went lax, which happens when you do your cruciate. You always think about the worst-case scenario, but thankfully it wasn't that."