
Hoddle letar vidare

Hoddle och Levy fortsätter jakten på nya spelare till klubben.

Hoddle har sagt att han vill ha en anfallare och gärna en spelare till.

Igår gick ett hett rykte om att Spurs skulle vara intresserade av forwarden Michael Ricketts från Bolton Wanderers. Idag har Boltons Manager Sam Allardyce gått ut och sagt att han har nekat till ett bud från Spurs på Ricketts.
Allardyce säger också att Ricketts antagligen skulle älska att gå till Spurs. Han tillägger att han troligen skulle gjort det om han var i Ricketts position, men tills Bolton får ett bud som dom inte kan säga nej till kommer han stanna.

Det låter alltså som att det ryktet var sant, men det blir att leta vidare.

Hoddle säger idag:

"There's a lot of names been mentioned and from the start of this season we've been mentioned with a lot of players. There's a lot of speculation but we just deal in the facts and we're working with the facts behind the scenes,"
"We're trying to see what we can do but it's not easy out there at the moment and I think as we've said before the game is changing, particularly at the financial level.
"Every club is finding it hard to do the loan deals and the swap deals and the buying. It's not as easy as people think.
"We're certainly trying hard, the chairman (Daniel Levy) and myself are working exceedingly hard on that side of things as most of the managers and chairmen will be at this point in time.
"You can only work as hard as you can. It does make it more difficult but we're working behind the scenes to try to get somebody in or maybe a couple depending on what we can go out.
"The wage structures have to be looked at and every club is looking to do these types of things now."
"Until we get contacts from clubs or until we contact the clubs, that's how the real business is done, there's a lot of media speculation... but there's not as many things happening out there as people think."

Det är bra att veta att det jobbar på, men jag vill gärna se ett resultat så snart som möjligt i deras letande. Transferfönstret är bara öppet i 21 dagar till.

Eva Ekholm2003-01-09 22:42:00

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