
Mera Rebrov

Nu verkar även Fulham ha fått upp ögonen för vår dyra flopp.

Det verkar finnas en lösning i sikte för vår Ukrainske anfallare. Nu ska tydligen Fulham vara beredda att betala £3miljoner för Rebrovs tjänster.

Fullhams VD Bruce Langham säger i en intervju i tidningen the Evening Standard:
I can confirm that Sergei Rebrov is one of two or three players we are looking at,"
"It is clear that we do not have a lot of money to spend and a loan deal from outside the Premiership would be the preferred option.
"But we are talking to Spurs about a deal for Rebrov and we will see what happens."

Rebrovs agent Sandor Varga säger till pressen "I am talking directly to chairman Daniel Levy and he appreciates that the situation cannot drag on any longer," "We have been patient and we understand that Spurs need to recoup some of the money they spent. "Sergei would prefer to stay in London and Tigana has always liked him."

Hoddle hoppas nog att affären ska gå hem så snabbt som möjligt så han kan få loss lite pengar att investera i en ny anfallare.

Jag tror dock inte vi har skrivit de sista raderna i såpan om Rebrov ännu.

Eva Ekholm2003-01-13 20:43:00

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