Wenger kommenterar matchen mot Malaysia

Gunners är i bortre Asien och visar upp sig.23 man följde med flygplanet och det är naturligtvis en enormt spännande upplevelse. Malaysia först och sedan Kina. För Wenger en enorm möjlighet att se nyförvärven Miyaichi och Jenkinson samt att se hur spelarna har svarat på den inledande träningen. Första matchen var mot Malaysia XI och spelades igår. 4-0 blev resultatet och för er som är nyfina så läser ni Markus Thulins eminenta reportage.
Wenger sammanfattade matchen på www.arsenal.com och jag tar upp tråden nedan.

Vår gosse med stövlar och franskt språk kände att det var en bra övning i Malaysia. "Inga skador och bra övning."
Fransmannen tyckte att det såg bra ut tekniskt, men att de led lite av värmen. Vidare sade han "The first half was more difficult than the second because the teams were a bit disturbed and disrupted by the many changes. But the first half was physically at a good level and they played with a good pace. I felt they [Malaysia] defended stubbornly and very well in their box. They had a few opportunities but they miss a bit of calm in the final third."

Wenger gillade också nykomlingarna"Jenkinson has shown power and good decision-making.Ryo MIyaichi has shown as well good qualities, he is always available, always keen to take people on, he works very hard. Both of them have shown interesting qualities."

Naturligtvis kommenterade han också Nasri, som han tyckte hade en bra attityd. Att det fanns andra problem runt omkring och diskussioner, det märktes inte, menade fransmannen. Wenger sade också att ledningen står bakom beslutet att hålla i Nasri"I think so, I believe that is no problem. It is a technical decision. On one hand people say I don't spend enough and when I spend people say I spend too much. It's very difficult to find the right medium. What is important is that the Club has a good team and is in a strong financial situation. The decisions are dictated by financial restrictions but not only by that. The most important thing is that the team is right and our financial situation is right as well."

Wenger har inte varit överförtjust i resan till Malaysia, som han mest ser som en påtvingad resa av ledningen, men han biter ihop "What is positive is that we are together, we have discovered a new country, we have discovered how much we are loved in Asia and that was unknown by many players. We have learned that the love here is genuine, enthusiastic and full of admiration."

Wilshere var fjolårets sensation; blir det någon ny?"It’s a bit early for me. I’m a football manager and, unfortunately, not a prophet! We are happy to have a player like Ramsey back, who didn’t play the whole season and Vermaelen as well. So hopefully they can have a very interesting season."

Vad han tyckte om Malaysia XI?"They were mobile, motivated and well-organised defensively. I would say they lacked offensive power as a team but they were very interesting. Their transition from defence to offence was very quick and good but in the final third you could see there was a big difference between the two teams."

Avslutningsvis undrar vi naturligtvis vad målet blir för säsong 2011/12? Svaret kommer som en pisksnärt;"The target is always to win the Premier League. That’s the basis of our target."

Magnus Falk2011-07-14 15:59:52

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