Swedewolves på Wolves museum

Swedewolves på Wolves museum

Swedewolves kommer i framtiden finnas med på Wolves nya museum på Molineux.
Detta i samband med vår sponsring av Swedewolves Academy Player Award och vår nya pokal som kommer att vara ett vandringspris.
Nu i vår har Wolves Academy för tredje gången utsett Swedewolves Academy Player Award.
Vi håller på vinnarens namn några dagar till, för att få bekräftat att vinnaren själv vet att han vunnit.
Priset kommer att delas ut av vår ordförande Truls Månsson på medlemsresan i samband med rundvandringen och lunchen på Molineux.
Ta sista chansen och var med och sponsra och vinn en unik signerad matchtröja.
Alla medlemmar som är med och sponsrar är med i en utlottning av signerad matchtröja.
De medlemmar som sätter in 100 kr får en lottsedel och är med i utlottningen och alla får också en autograf från spelaren. Sätter man in 200 kr får man två lottsedlar.
Sätt in pengarna på Swedewolves plusgirokonto, 1858509-1. Märk det med Award och ditt namn.
Av de insamlade pengarna delas pengarna mellan spelaren och Wolves Academy.
Vi kommer även att göra en intervju med spelaren senare in i nya säsongen.
Någon av nedan spelare är den lycklige vinnaren.
Dominic is from Wolverhampton. He registered as a Wolves Academy player at the age of nine in April 2003 and he has been a key member of our squads since that time. He attended Woden Primary and Heath Park Schools in the Wednesfield/Heath Town area of the city and played regularly for the City Schools team and West Midlands County schoolboys side.
Another local lad and close friend of Dominic, 'Flatty' has also been with us since he was nine and signed on the same day as Dominic back in April 2003. Jonathan has been a very consistent goalkeeper for Wolves Academy sides and combined his formative years at the club with attending Dormston School and playing for Dudley & Brierley Hills Schools representative sides.
Jacob attended Baverstock School in Birmingham and he had been playing for Maypole Juniors when he was invited into Wolves to join our Under 12 squad. He had played at Maypole Juniors from the age of Under 7 and he went onto play for his primary schools district team, South Birmingham PSFA.
Jim from Worcestershire attended Wolverley School. He was playing for Kidderminster Lions and also Stourport Swifts during the Spring of 2009  when he was spotted by Jeff Gregory, one of our Wolves scouts. He joined Wolves at the very end of the Under 14 season and he has been a hard working midfield player in our squads since then.
From Willesden in North London, Luke attended Queens Park Community School, and spent many years at Arsenal's Academy before joining Wolves this year. Luke impressed during his trial period and was invited to join the group of Wolves Apprentices and started with us in June of this year.
Dominic joined us full time last year as an Under 16 player following negotiations with his school in Southend, St Thomas More High School. He was registered with Southend United and played for their Youth team in the FA Youth Cup v Liverpool at Anfield last season. He hopes to follow in the footsteps of his father who played professionally.
Gary is another who spent a lot of time at Wolves last season as an Under 16 player from the Republic of Ireland after completing his Junior Certificates at Mercy Secondary School Mounthawk in County Kerry. Gary is a regular member of his National teams and he has captained the team on several occasions. He was recommended to us by our scout based in Ireland, Willie Byrne.
Robbie is a Welsh International player who joined us from Wrexham Football Club. He chose to come and complete his education in Wolverhampton last season after studying at the Ysgol John Bright School in his home town Llandudno.
Ryan is from Wigan where he attended the Standish High School. He spent several years at the Manchester City Academy before taking up his Apprenticeship at Wolves in June. He is another player who hopes to follow a similar path to his Dad Mark who played professionally.

Benny Dahl2012-03-28 21:49:00

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