
Sekteristiska sånger och antipoppy-protester

Ordförande Reid kommenterar två känsliga ämnen.

John Reid, Celtics ordförande, har gått ut och hyllat den kvinnliga supporter vilken beskrev Green Brigades protester mot att ha Poppies på dräkterna som avskyvärt, samt påpekar att han tycker inte att denna symbol är någon glorifiering av Storbritannien.

"I understand this is very difficult for everyone. We are a Scottish club with an Irish heritage but the SPL asked us to wear the poppy and it was an act of remembrance, not a glorification, celebration or endorsement of this or that. In all decent societies you have to respect people who don't want to be part of it but in all decent societies the way they do that is important."

Han påpekar även att det måste göras något åt sekterismen. Något han inte tycker att skotsk fotboll gjort tillräckligt för att motverka.

"In Scotland it is time to really live up to what we say about diverse backgrounds but one nation. When we hold up the red card to racism, it's got to mean something. It can't just be racism against everybody except people who have come here to Scotland a few years ago."

 Reid kommenterade även kraven från supportrar, vilka ville att man bestraffade Rangers, då deras supportrar sjöng rasistiska sånger riktade mot irländare på Celtic Park under Old Firm.

"Wherever it is coming from - and some of the minority who resent me do so because I have been critical of our people on this - even if our degree of sin on this issue is less than others, once you've stolen a fiver there is no good shouting 'thief' at a guy who's stolen a million.

 "The minute you allow yourself to be accused of that which you deplore in others you leave yourself with a lack of legitimacy. We have some control over our own support but much less control over other support that comes here, or indeed our support when it goes away to other grounds. We rely on the authorities and other clubs."


Jens Olssonjpw.olsson@gmail.com2010-11-19 16:56:00

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