
Podcast Juventus Club Svezia - Gäst: Farhad (Turin Giants Podcast)

Episode 223 of Podcast Juventus Club Svezia with the guest Farhad from the Turin Giants Podcast. We started with why it became Juventus for him before we got into the reporting of European football in the USA, the Americanization of European football, content creation in Juventus, a bit of soccer vs. football, Weston McKennie and Timothy Weah, the Agnelli family and specifically Andrea Agnelli's time at the club, shirt sponsorship after Jeep, next season's shirts, Thiago Motta and a bit of the transfer market. Stöd gärna podden du med, bli patron: https://www.patreon.com/podcastjuventusclubsvezia Intro/Outro Podcast Juventus Club Svezia, skapad av: Roger Myrehag - Oboogie Music