
Podcast Juventus Club Svezia - Gäst: Rino Zaurrini (Calcio with Rino Z)

Episode 225 of Podcast Juventus Club Svezia with the guest Rino Zaurrini from the YouTube-channel Calcio with Rino Z. We started with why it was Juventus for him before we ended Massimiliano Allegri's time at the club, Thiago Motta's entrance for next season and a very active start in the transfer market with both upcoming reinforcements, sales and potential swapdeals. We also talked about a return for Giorgio Chiellini, about Cristiano Giuntoli's era with his men in the staff and Juventus' future with the Agnelli family. Stöd gärna podden du med, bli patron: https://www.patreon.com/podcastjuventusclubsvezia Intro/Outro Podcast Juventus Club Svezia, skapad av: Roger Myrehag - Oboogie Music