
Dokumentären om Assyriska i final i USA

Dokumentären om Assyriska har tagit sig till final i Filmfestivalen i Beverely Hills, USA, och tävlar nu om att vinna det prestigefyllda priset "Guldpalmen".

Filmfestivalen i Beverly är en internationell tillställning med deltagare och filmmakare från hela världen och det är en oerhörd framgång för regissören Nuri Kino att vara nominerad med dokumentären om Assyriska till Guldpalmen i konkurrens med dokumenärer över hela världen. Vi ser fram mot finalen i början av april. 

Nedan följer det officiella pressmeddelandet från Beverly Hills Film Festival:

Announcing the American Premiere of
ASSYRISKA: A National Team Without A Nation

A Five Part Documentary Film Directed By

Part III Competing for the Golden Palm Award
As a Finalist at the Beverly Hills Film Festival
April 6, 2006 – 8:00 P.M.
100 North Crescent Drive
Beverly Hills, California 90210
(Running time: 30 minutes)

ASSYRISKA: A National Team Without A Nation is the story of an Assyrian soccer team from Södertälje, a small town in Sweden that was able to achieve international stardom when against all odds as the first ever immigrant team in Europe, it reached the national premiere league. It made headlines worldwide.

Marking its American premiere as a finalist at the Beverly Hills Film Festival, episode III depicts the current struggle of the Assyrian people who are a nation without a country in their quest for recognition of the Genocide perpetrated against them in the Ottoman Empire during WWI.

This third episode that originally aired on Sweden’s Public Service Network, depicts the team’s struggle to be recognized as a Swedish soccer team. But beyond that, the team pushes to cause change in both the Swedish and Turkish governments’ attitude to accept and recognize the “forgotten” Assyrian Genocide. This move triggers diplomatic implications. Also featured are ASSYRISKA supporters returning to their homeland of Southeast Turkey in an attempt to reclaim their now occupied territories.

Nuri Kino, one of the two directors of ASSYRISKA, will attend the Beverly Hills Film Festival. Nuri Kino’s journey as an Assyrian-Swedish freelance journalist and documentary filmmaker began in 2000 but his extraordinary achievements are by no means those of a novice. A five-time nominee for the Swedish Pulitzer
Guldspaden, he received three for Best Investigative Journalist in 2001, 2003 and 2004. He received the Swedish Television and Swedish Radio’s Ikaros Prize for Best Public Service Journalism and became the Role Model of the Year for Swedish Journalist Students at Sundsvall University in Sweden. In 2002, Kino was nominated as a finalist for both the Great Journalist Prize and Save the Children Prize for journalists. He also serves as a Jury Member for the Humanity of the World Documentary Film Festival. Filmography: The Cry Unheard, 2001; Insider-Pedophiles, 2003; Insider-Quacks, 2003; ASSYRISKA: A National Team Without A Nation, 2005. 

Media Contact and Management:
Tanya Benjamin,
All interviews with Nuri Kino arranged on request

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assyria.se2006-03-15 12:22:00

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