Bojkotten får stöd utanför Sveriges gränser
Artikelns text är kopierad från ett inlägg på Söderst@dions forum skrivet av "Bajen äger SÖS". Ett brev från en dansk Bajen-supporter som visar på innebörden av solidaritet med grönvita systrar och bröder!
"Det kom ett mail till BajenGruppen i förra veckan:
Dear Frank Ågren and the rest of the Bajen Gruppen and Bajen fans everywhere.
My name is Anders and I am a danish Bajen supporter. As my swedish isn't that good, I write to you in english.
Last year I studied a semester at Stockholm University, and while I was there I instanly fell in love with Hammarby and went to all the matches in the autumn at Söderstadion and the UEFA matches at Råsunda. Of course I knew a lot about Hammarby as a club before I came to Stockholm, but as I arrived in Stockholm I could instantly and easily see the major impact the club has in your wonderful city.
As I am now back in Copenhagen, one of the highlights of the season for me is of course to go to Malmö and watch Hammarby again. I am sad to say that even though I was aware of the fan boycott Bajen fans imposed due to unfair rules put forward by the SvFF I was not fully aware of all the implications of the boycott. Therefore, I did not think things trough as I bought two tickets for the match tomorrow (monday) in Malmö. I am now painfully aware of negative aspects of my actions and I would like to stress and guarantee you all at Bajengruppen and the rest of the Bajen supporters who respect the boycott, that I wont collect and use my tickets for the macth tomorrow. I have also written to the e-shop informing them that I wont collect and use the tickets I had bought.
So all in all, I am very sorry that I bought the tickets without thinking things trough, but rest assured, I wont use them tomorrow. I fully respect the boycott and the massive numbers of Bajen fans through out Sweden and other countries who have put themselves and their own pleasures to one side for the sake of Hammarby Fotboll and a greater good!
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Bajen Forever
Dessutom har mail från Tyskland inkommit där det undrats över bojkotten. Yes, bojkotten märks även utanför våra gränser."