
Öster UK: Intervju med Carl Jones

Är du en aktiv användare på twitter och följer Östers IF så har du nog inte kunnat undgå vågen av uppmärksamhet från Storbrittanien på senare tid. Det började med ett Östers IF i otrolig form, långsamma oddsättare och ett gäng spelglada britter som gillade läget. Men det har utvecklat sig till något mer för Carl Jones, även känd som @bettinghoe som han heter på twitter, och flera av hans följare. De har tagit Öster till sitt hjärta.

Jag bestämde mig för att lära känna en av våra engelsktalande vänner lite närmare och höra historien bakom deras nyfunna kärlek.

Hi Carl! First of all, could you introduce yourself to all of our readers?
Who are you?

Hi Jesper, my name on twitter is @bettinghoe. I am 29 and I am from a place
near Liverpool in England. Fanatic sports fan and tipster.

I don't think any Östers IF fan active on twitter have failed to notice
your new found interest in our beloved team Östers IF. My take on it is
that it just started off as Östers IF being an extremely good side to bet
on? How did it all start really?

Yes exactly that. I have to say I think it all started by a tipster called
@SteelsTips. He is one of the best tipsters on twitter with over 10,000
followers. He has been betting on Osters IF for a long time now and helped
a lot of people make a lot of money. On his site he has set up a dedicated
page just to show how long he has been betting on them for. The reading is
very interesting and just shows that Osters IF are on such an amazing run.

What is different to Öster from any other team that you make a bit of money
on from bets. Why did your interest spark for our team?

At first the main reason was because we all knew how good they were but the
bookmakers just did not get onto this fact. They were constantly giving
Oster amazing odds to win. Usually, the bookmakers are pretty quick on
changing odds to suit the team but with Oster they were getting great odds
that did not reflect the run that they are on. They have now got onto this
fact and the odds are a lot lower than they used to be so we have to make
bets like Oster to win at half time and full time but amazingly the winners
are still coming.

You have now formed a UK fansite for Östers IF, which I just have to say is
absolutely brilliant. How many people are there that can actually be
considered as real UK fans of ÖIF?

I currently have over 1200 followers and I try to tweet Oster tips as well
as my own. Everyone who follows me knows I am a huge Oster fan so I feel
that a lot of people follow me just for that reason. We have fans across
the whole of the UK and I get tweets everyday from followers who mention
Oster. Its hard to put a number on it but what i do know is the fan base is
increasing everyday.

I noticed that you've bought a bit of merchendise from the official webshop,
what did you think about the shirt?

I love it! I have not had chance to wear it for football yet due to a minor
injury but I am back now and will be wearing it this week. Our football
teams here don't have as many sponsors as the Swedish teams do so it stands
out and I think the sponsors on the shirt actually make it what it is. I
also got a Oster IF wrist band which I haven't taken off yet, a lot of
people are asking me about it so I'm constantly spreading the word of who
Oster are and why I'm supporting them. I would just like to say a big
thanks to the official web shop. The increased interest in Oster has meant
they have received many orders here in the UK and they are currently
translating the site for us. I am in contact with the person in charge of
dealing with this, the changes that are being made have been done quickly
and they have been very helpful to the UK fans.

What do you know about Swedish football in general?

I feel I know quite a bit. I watch lots of games online and have been
betting and tipping on the Swedish leagues for a while now. A lot of people
love these leagues as they are guaranteed goals. There is a popular bet
that us tipsters use and its called 'Over 2.5 goals' which is, most of the
time, a sure bet for the Swedish games. A lot of the time there is drama in
the last minutes of the game so its very exciting to watch.

There have been some talks on twitter and your site about coming over to Sweden
and watch Öster play. Are there any serious plans to make the trip?

We have all been talking about going over to watch one of the games in the
new stadium. I know one of my followers called @EcosseMac is a huge fan and
he really wants to go over to see Oster in action. I have been speaking to
my girlfriend about having a weekend away to Stockholm which looks like a
very picturesque city, then going to watch one of the games. I have put it
to her that its a romantic weekend away with 90 minutes of football in the
middle. Not sure when were are going to do this but sooner the better I

Thanks for taking the time Carl, the last word is yours!

Well I wanted to give a big thanks for the support from all the fans from
Sweden. Everyone has been so positive about us following their team. All of
us here have our own teams that we support, mine being Tranmere Rovers but
I would like to think that Oster is now a team that I will follow forever,
win or lose! Its not about betting anymore for most of us, we now consider
ourselves huge fans. Also thanks to the Official Osters IF twitter page.
They continue to amaze us by taking there time out to tweet us. In English
as well! Just to prove how much we love Oster I will leave you with a tweet
from @WinningBetMan "I just got tweeted by Osters IF! This is what normal
people must feel like when celebrities tweet them"

I use google translate so I'm happy to receive tweets from Oster fans. I
look forward to speaking to people. #oiflove

Jag rekommenderar er att besöka där ni kan läsa mer om intresset kring Öster UK.

På hashtaggen #ÖsterUKFanPage på twitter kan ni följa med i konversationerna med dessa sköna britter som helt klart har fattat det som resten av världen till slut kommer att förstå, att Östers IF är världens vackraste lag.

Jesper Lodén2012-07-12 16:38:00

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