Peps egna ord - och farväl

Peps egna ord - och farväl

Malmös avgående andretränare Pep Clotet Ruiz skriver ett brev till alla MFF-supportrar, där han tackar för tiden som har varit. Och menar att han numera tillhör nummer 12.

To the Malmö FF family!
It took me three days to write this, it has not been easy. A lot of feelings came up and it made my decision even more difficult, as I will try to explain:
After all this time together and after what we achieved I thought it would be the best to say goodbye to all of you with the greatest respect.

I came last February, only with my work in mind and with the goal to help MFF as much as possible and to keep learning and improving as a coach. After all, I’ve been sharing your city, your team, your passions and dreams,… I’ve been sharing your fight week after week, month after month; and above all it has been fantastic and wonderful. Not only because we had success but because I felt extremely at home all this time. I’ve enjoyed being at your side and we all know we had really nice times and really nice football afternoons and evenings!

For all and each one of these things thank you, you made me feel like one of you!
Primarily it’s thanks to Roland Nilsson that I had the opportunity to be part of you and I will always be grateful to him for all the teachings, discussions, talks, and because he’s been a friend for me always. Thanks Rolle!
Everyone in the staff has been really important for me this year as well, Leif for his deep understanding of MFF and his great experience as a player and a coach, Jonnie Fedel for all the friendship, knowledgde as a goalkeeper trainer and the nice food at Hipp, Dr. Herbertsson for being my doctor in Sweden and his always positive attitude, Kenneth Folkesson for his dedication and professionalism to the team and his always easy going way, Ricky, Ville and Gregg who all teached me a lot about prevention and rehabilitation of the players, John and Simon for his knowledge on physical training and for being good friends as well. The whole staff has been a key piece on everything and MFF should be proud of them!
As well, I would like to thank Hasse and Vito for their dedication to MFF in one of the most difficult areas in a professional club, the scouting. Great job they are doing! Anne-Maj who has been always there as a helping hand always professional and with a high dedication! Staffan Tapper who helped me a lot, more than he thinks, because he lives for MFF!
Per Welinder who has been a friend from the beginning and who will always be because he understands and encourages me and who showed me what MFF means. And Pelle Svensson who made it really difficult for me to leave MFF for his completely confidence in me, thanks Pelle! To all the board and other workers who really run MFF, thank you very much!
And specially to the players who really believe in themselves as a team and really fight and pay the cost to reach big goals! I learnt from them much more than I gave, for sure. Thank you all!
I face this new project in Halmstad with a big respect and enthusiasm as I always worked here in MFF. I want to do my best there and it has been my decision to do it although I knew that MFF had nice challenges in front as well. But in the end I decided to start there and commit myself to this project 100%. I wish you understand.
For all of this and for more, thank you very much and good luck in the future. MFF will always walk with me because it has been much more than a job as I told. And in the end, “We all are MFF”.
And like we say in Spanish “I don’t say goodbye, I’d rather say see you later” I wish you the best and I will always follow you!!
Now I’m part of number 12. Thanks!

Josep Clotet Ruiz/Himmelriket2010-12-10 13:55:00

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