Petter &#34Oddo&#34 Johansson out of Monday-Clash
Ikke bare harmoni mellom coach Heggelund og høyreback Johansson i Andrea Doria

Petter "Oddo" Johansson out of Monday-Clash

Igjen; utrivelige nyheter fra lagets høyreback i ny pressemelding

"Want-away fullback Massimo Oddo is set to miss the upcoming game for Andrea Doria on monday, a statement from the players agency said on friday.

- My client have left the country for personal reasons and will not be available for selection on monday.
Speculations regarding Oddos absence claims that the player doesn’t want to be a part of a team when a game is set to be televised, taking his silenzio stampa to a next and never seen before level.

Another reason for Oddo not to be in the country could also be that the press speculates that the player failed to show up for an out-of-competition drug test fridaymorning."

Andrea Dorias spillende trener Per-Jarle Heggelund har følgende kommentar til denne saken:
 - Hva da "want away"? Han skal passe seg, ingen spillere er større enn klubben. Jeg tror det her er bullshit fra start til mål av hans medarbeidere.

Per-Jarle Heggelund2007-08-17 12:53:00

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