
Hälsning från Georges Laraque

NHL-lockoutade Georges Laraque, till vardags i Edmonton Oilers, blev en stor publikfavorit den gångna säsongen. Nu befinner han sig hemma i Edmonton och här har han skrivit några rader till fansen, exklusivt för

Hey guys!
Since I have been back to Edmonton, everyone is asking me about my stay in Stockholm and the hockey. I have to say, the only thing I talked about is not the goals I scored, the hit, the chicken dance, or even the little Nissan Micra that the team gave me to drive. I do not talk about the malls I visited, not even about the city where I went to the museum, saw the guard march. No, none of that. All I talk about is you, about the fans. I will never forget my stay in Stockholm because of you guys. Soccer is my favorite sport, and when I played for AIK I felt like I was in a soccer stadium. When I first got there, I did not know what to expect, but you guys are so proud and supportive that it kind of got to me and I was playing like AIK was my team. I decided that there was no way I was coming back to Canada without making sure the team moved up, it would have broke my heart if we did not. I got so many emails from you guys before I even got there and knew how important my short stay was going to be. You guys should also thank a fan name Marie, that emailed me and asked me to come down earlier so I could help the team sooner, so I did and came back a week earlier. This team was magic, David Engblom is one of the best captain I have ever played with, and Stefan Gråhns has the biggest heart of all. Playing with those two guys was an honor and believe me, they could both play in the NHL. The team staff did a wonderful job with this team, it is not easy to bring a team up, and all the change they made made it possible. Without Norström, we would have never made it up. Without Wesslau, it was so hot, we would not have made it. Without Fjällby we would not have made it, and how about Christéen. Risking his career playing on one leg, biggest sacrifice I have ever seen. He inspired everyone, he inspired me. It was such a magic team, everybody was so important. All those things will stay in my mind forever. Now that I am back in Edmonton I decided to relax, I did not go to any tournament, just decided to take a break. I will start again to work out next week to get ready for an NHL season. Be certain that if there is no season, I am coming back helping the team to move to the Elite series. This is the only place AIK should be and fuck whoever do not think that way. The referee this year made it even harder for us to win because it seems that everyone is jealous of our team and did not want to see us moved up. All those fucking farmers, well we showed them!!!
If you guys email me in my website, I will always respond to you guys, even though I do not speak swedish. I will always consider you guys part of my family, thanks again for a wonderful stay!

Georges Laraque

Skrivbordsunderlägg: En hyllning till Georges Laraque
Wallpaper: A tribute to Georges Laraque

Chand Smith2005-05-05 17:37:00

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