
Interview with Aleksandrs Semjonovs

Here is the english version of the intervju.

Family: Married to Anna and 2 children: Roman, 8, and Maxim, 3.

Hobbies: Spending time with my family and watching movies.

What is your club of origin?

- Dynamo Riga.

Why did you choose to play hockey and when did you start?

- As a child I watched the games on TV between USSR and Canada and that awakened my interest, we where a bunch of kids that used to play on backyards and streets, Then I talked to my parents that I wanted to play for real. And that is how it started.

How come that you started to play for Arboga?

- I was traded here from Björklöven, and then I stayed.

What stick do you use?

- I use a CCM.

Is there any particular reason to that choice?

- No, it just feels good (laughter).

What do you think about Arbogas effort so far this season?

- We can play a lot better; we have a lot of good players on the team. Sometimes when we have been in the lead, we made some small mistakes and lost the game by letting the offensive team get some easy goals. We should have played more disciplined sometimes.

You play a lot better now after the Christmas break; you have any idea to why?

- Yes, we play a lot better, but I don’t know why, its better you ask the coach that.

How do you like the town Arboga and club? Is there any chance we will see you another season?

- I think Arboga is a nice small town, its good for families with children. My friends like it also. When it comes to the club it’s a good one, sure it would be great with some more sponsors and admissions.

- A larger arena would be great; I think it’s strange that with IFK so high up in the series it doesn’t come more people to see the games. Last season we where in playoff and now we are on the way again.

- When it comes to my eventual participation next year, you have to talk to Ulf Rydin.

Are you happy with your own play this year?

- I always think I can play better. I have had a lot of chances to score that I missed. I hope that will change soon.

Who is your best coach?

- I have to say my very first one, which learned me to skate and play hockey.

What do you think about the Supporters of IFK?

- Very good, but I want to see more people. When one plays its good with the support, it feels a lot better and one plays a lot better.

Anything you want to say to them?

- Bring all your friends to the games in the future!

Do you have any role model?

- When I was young I liked Larionov.

How do you spend your spare time?

- I spend a lot of time with my family.

Do you read books and watch movies?

- Sure I read books, I usually get some sent here from our parents. I read for example detective novels, and I try to read Swedish newspapers. When it comes to movies I like thrillers and comedies.

Any book or movie you could recommend?

- Its hard for me to recommend any, its not often I have them in Swedish.

Do you have any favourite food?

- Everything my wife makes, she is a very good chef. She makes a very good salad and she also makes a very good biscuit to have with coffee.

What makes you happy?

- To have happy people around me.

What do you thing about the cooperation with Leksand?

- I think it’s a good idea, it’s good for IFK.

Upsides and downsides with it?

- IFK gets a stronger team. Downside, I can’t think of anything, I think you should remain positive.

What do you believe in IFKs chance of getting to playoff?

- I think we have a very good chance of making that a reality.

We thank Aleksandrs "Semlan" Semjonovs for his time and wishes him the best of luck in the next game against Västerås and in the future.

Åslund, Jangestig och Åkerman2003-01-18 11:49:00

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