Modo-kalender 2020, lucka 22(b): Jeff Ulmer
Ingen jul utan överraskningar, här presenterar Modo-redaktionen en till lucka 22 med Jeff Ulmer
I år har Svenskafans Modo-sida en lite annorlunda julkalender. Tidigare år har vi frågat Modo-profiler om aktuella frågor om årets säsong, det här året letar vi supportrar och Modo-profiler som vill berätta om sitt bästa Modo-minne
I dagens andra(!) lucka har förre Modo-spelaren Jeff Ulmer svarat.
I was fortunate to play with some unbelievably talented players in Modo. Victor Hedman, Zuccarello, Sundstrom, Skröder, Salomonsson, Timander, Svartvadet and others were on that team.
I was very lucky to come into the team and be a shooter on a line with some passers (Sundstrom and Skröder, with the injury to Zuccarello). My 2nd game I had a hat trick and the energy from the fans and the community’s excitement was unbelievable. It was one of my best memories as a player throughout my 19 seasons and 1,000+ games.
There truly is something special about playing in Örnsköldsvik and I will never forget that game and the entire experience.