
EXKLUSIVT: Firenze informa

Hur går snacket på Florens barer? Är Lucchesi ute och cyklar? Vem imponerar mest på träningarna? Vår urflorentinare i Curva Ferrovia ger oss en italiensk åsikt på engelska.


Maybe the most of you have never heard about "Rondinella". In fact, this is the second football team in Florence.
The society was founded in 1946, in San Frediano (one of the most popular quarters of Florence) in a bar. The founders, without any idea about the name for the team, chose "Rondinella" (Little Swallow) because in the bar there were some paper swallows on the walls, attached by some kids for a Carnival party some days before.
The team was supported by some of the most important Italian artists, like the singer Claudio Villa, and the palace of the society, placed along the Arno river in a very scenic site, was officially opened by the President of the Italian Republic Giovanni Gronchi in 1957.

In 1963 Rondinella was joined with Marzocco (another very Florentine name. Marzocco is the lion with the shield that is one of the symbols of Florence), one of the most important teams in Florence in the young players area, and the new society was called Rondinella Marzocco Firenze or, more simply, R.M. Firenze.
In 1977-78 the team lost the promotion to the Serie C2 by draw. In 78-79 the team reached C2 and was able to conquer the C1 too, but was penalized for some irregularities. Anyway Rondinella played 5 years in C1 and from 1987 to 1990 in C2. Now, after some economical problems, the team plays in Serie D (won this year by Massese) and is searching to pass to Serie C2. The stadium is the "Due Strade" (Two streets), placed just outside Florence.

Lapo Mecacci2004-09-03 10:56:00

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