
EXKLUSIVT: Curva Ferrovia informa

Vår man i Florens, Lapo Mecacci, var en av de 33890 som slets mellan hopp och förtvivlan under matchen Fiorentina-Sampdoria. Här är en florentinsk matchrapport på engelska!


Not a good match between Fiorentina and Sampdoria, two teams with good expectations from the championship. Fiorentina loses for the first time in Florence after 21 months.
As expected, there was a very hot and long applause from la Fiesole to the ex - "il ragazzo gioca bene" (the guy plays well) - Francesco Flachi, enfant prodige in Fiorentina some years ago, born in Florence and now #10 of Sampdoria where he conquered also a place with gli Azzurri.

The most of us Viola supporters were afraid of the terrible "Franchi´s law", a florentine version of "Murphy's law": the players who are not scoring from a long time start against Fiorentina (do you remember "l´aeroplanino" Montella?).

And that´s it: after ´10 Bazzani scores. The ultras blucerchiati (blue rounded, the name of Sampdoria's supporters) continue to support their team with a passion sadly not imited by Fiesole (from Ferrovia I never heard any song from Fiesole, only one at the end of the match. Too few.) and by Ferrovia where the most were watching the match without enthousiasm. Come on, guys, we are in Serie A! Svegliamociiiiii!!

The match does not "go into orbit", it continues in a level of mediocrity due to the absence of good midfielders in both the teams, until Sacchetti takes out from the hat the second goal of Sampdoria and also his second goal in the entire career. He scored 10 years ago the first one (Franchi´s law rules...).
At the end of the match, the capipopolo (people leaders) of Ferrovia said "Does not matter: it is just a match, there are other possibilities". Yes, but...

In my opinion:

The best player: Chiellini (as usual, the best player of the team comes from Juventus...)
The worst one: Jorgensen (no physical condition for him or what?)

Lapo Mecacci2004-09-27 22:19:00

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