SevillaGrande Nórdico!
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SevillaGrande Nórdico!

Peñan för nordiska Sevillistas har äntligen öppnat!

Nästa vecka går meddelandet att SevillaGrande Nórdico öppnat ut till resten av världen men SvenskaFans läsare får naturligtvis reda på det lite innan.

Så här ser det officiella pressmeddelandet ut:

SevillaGrande Nórdico has opened! (SGN) has now opened. This is Sevilla FC’s first peña (fan club) for people in northern Europe. The peña is mainly for Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish fans of Sevilla FC, but anyone can join.

SGN is a sub peña of, the largest Sevilla FC peña on the web. Membership in SGN automatically grants you membership in as well.

SGN is founded on initiative of Christoffer Sandberg and Lars Wahlström, both Sevillistas since many years.

Christoffer got together with some fans from SevillaGrande on a football trip to Madrid in late February 2007. Here, the idea of a Swedish or Nordic peña was born. After a while, Christoffer got in contact with Lars Wahlström, who started the Sevilla FC section on Sweden’s biggest fan site Svenska Fans in 2003.

Together with SevillaGrande, Christoffer and Lars, two Swedish Sevillistas, founded SGN for in May 2007 as a gathering point for all Sevillistas in the Nordic countries!

Two membership levels
You can join SGN as a full paying member for only €33 per year. This includes full membership in SGN and

You can also become a registered free member of SGN just to show your moral support.

More info and contact details
Please enter to read more about SGN and the peña logo, or contact Christoffer Sandberg ( or Lars Wahlström, (

Lars Wahlström2007-05-15 17:00:00

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