Dagens Arsenal 3-4 mars
Who will win, nobody knows - except Wenger!

Dagens Arsenal 3-4 mars

Optimistiska tongångar inför kvällens match mot Milan.

Inget skitsnack, vi hoppar rakt in i elden. Wenger menar att det positiva med resultatet i det första mötet är att Arsenal inte bara kan ägna sig åt försvar – något som kan straffa sig – utan måste framåt.
"The good thing about the result we got in the first leg is we know just defending is not good enough. And it forces us to defend well, but not only to defend well. Sometimes the trap you have with a good home result - a 1-0 or 2-0 - is you think 'lets just sit back'.”
Wenger säger att Marcel Desailly berättat för honom hur imponerade Rossoneri var av the Gunners i det senaste mötet.
"When I spoke to Marcel Desailly after the game, he said, in their dressing room, they were absolutely amazed by our quality," commented Wenger.
"But they think we should have taken advantage of our superiority. That can happen and you want always to have no regrets in what you do.”
Vår manager menar också att laget redan har gjort mer än vad som förväntades från omgivningen innan säsongen.
"If you look at what people said of us before the season, then we have already over-achieved. Yet now no matter what we do, it will never be enough.
"For me, I just want my team to go as far as I can," he concluded. "If you ask me, can we overcome this hurdle? Then I say yes.
"So let's go into the game with that mind-set."

Wenger menar att rutinen har betydelse, men att även Milan kan tvingas till misstag – och att vårt lag spelat stora matcher förr.
"Experience will play a big part," said Wenger. " You do not expect Maldini to make beginner mistakes. But, on the other hand, you have to force him into mistakes by coming out with the attributes we have - that means being dynamic, mobile and technically very good.
"We are a young side but remember the life of this team started two years ago. In that time we have been to the Bernabeu, Juventus, and the Final against Barcelona. We are used to playing in big pressure and in big atmosphere."

Och han säger också vad vi alla känner.
"I believe this side will improve no matter what happens on Tuesday night. We will be a great side. I feel we are already one but a cup game is decided on the form of the day. If you ask me are we as strong as Milan then I say yes but the form of the day will decide tomorrow. However this team will achieve great things."

Fabregas tror att laget kan lyckas ikväll.
“We will play at the San Siro for the first time, and think we can do well if we play 100 per cent and maybe we can cause a surprise.”
Han menar också att laget inte ska ändra sättet de kommer spela på.
“We will not change the way we play, because we always play offensive,” he continued. “So we do not mind what way they will play. We are young, but we are not scared of anything and we will play our game. You have always seen if we are winning or losing, we will never go to defend.”

Arsenal är inte rädda för San Siro, menar Flamini.
“We will not change the way we play, because we always play offensive. So we do not mind what way they will play. We are young, but we are not scared of anything and we will play our game. You have always seen if we are winning or losing, we will never go to defend.”

Det känns nästan som att truppen blivit hjärntvättade a la någon konstig sekt. Det finns ingen rädsla, inga negativa tankar, alla tror på vinst och är helt övertygade om att de har rätt och de har bäst. Det låter bra i mina öron.

Undertecknad är för tillfället handikappad – vilket är en historia jag kommer berätta någon annan dag – och kommer således bara länka allt till arsenal.com, där ni kan läsa allt gott som finns att läsa från Arsenal inför matchen.

Up the Gunners!

Oscar Broström2008-03-04 16:25:00

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