Fairclough i öppet brev till fansen

Fairclough i öppet brev till fansen

Barnets manager Paul Fairclough vill att alla supportrar är med och stöttar laget mot Grimsby på lördag.

Paul Fairclough har tagit över rodret i Barnet och har skapat en stor optimism inför lördagens rysare mot Grimsby. Under torsdagskvällen fanns han och Tony Kleanthous tillgängliga för frågor i klubbhuset och flera mötesdeltagare har vittnat om Faircloughs beslutsamhet och den tidigare så mörka situationen har nu istället ändrats till en känsla av att "det här kan vi klara av".

För att ytterligare skapa positiva vibbar har Fairclough nu också gått ut med ett meddelande till alla supportrar som publiceras på barnetfc.com:

"It goes without saying that our match at Grimsby on Saturday is without doubt one of the most important matches in the history of Barnet FC.

At a time like this it is important that we all share the same objective and collectively go about trying to achieve it. When I say a collective effort is needed, what I mean by that is that everyone connected with the club, especially the supporters at the match, have a crucial role to play.

Yes, on the pitch clearly it is all about what the players do, but on the day each and every one of us can make a contribution by having a clear focus in our mind that we are going to do everything possible to try and bring about the outcome we are all seeking.

Tomorrow it is not so much about personalities; let's put all that to one side for a moment, this is the time when we need to put on a united front, to pull together in the same direction.

For those travelling to Blundell Park I look forward to seeing you and most importantly hearing from you. For those unable to make the game I know your hearts and thoughts will be with us.

So Come On! I am confident, that together, we can meet the task ahead and achieve our objective.

Paul Fairclough"

Jimmy Johanssonbarnetsverige@hotmail.com2010-04-30 15:10:00

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