Super Simon

Kung Davies slog till igen. Den här gången mot Italien.

Davies gjorde återigen succé när Wales igår besegrade Italien med 2-1. Davies gjorde 1-0 målet efter 12 minuter.
Han har nu gjort mål i tre landskamper i rad.

Han säger själv efter matchen:
"This is a great time for us, we know that, and things can really start to go well from here but we must keep winning - two wins isn't enough.
We all know that if we lose our next game in Azerbaijan all this will have been wasted.
It's a great chance for us to qualify now for the finals, but we dare not get carried away. It's going well for me at the moment in front of goal and I'm delighted to have scored another one for Wales."

Han säger också att han är glad över att han valde att gå till Spurs framför Manchester United. Båda klubbarna slogs om hans signatur när han lämnade Peterborough.

"I'm pleased I came to Spurs instead of United now. I have played about 50-odd games for Spurs now and I would never have done that at this stage of my career at United."

Hans boss i Wales Mark Hughes säger:

"Simon is going to be a big player for us and Tottenham for many years to come, I am sure. He has been fantastic for us. In the last 18 months he has developed as a player, and physically too. He is stronger now and he looks like he could run all day. Because of that he is having more impact. He can play wide and in the middle and his skill lets him create things in tight areas. He is different to Ryan Giggs but he can certainly have the same influence on a game and has done in our last two matches."

Övriga Spurs spelare som var i farten igår var:
Iversen som spelade i Norges segermatch mot Bosnien-Herzegovina. Iversen som förövrigt gjorde Norges segermål i lördags.
Keane spelade i Irlandsmatch även Doc fick komma in i andra halvlek.
Rebrov fick hoppa in i andra halvlek i Ukrainas 0-0 match mot Nordirland.

Eva Ekholm2002-10-17 13:38:00

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