Ferguson efter matchen

Ferguson efter matchen

Sir Alex var ytterst nöjd med resultatet och det viktiga bortamålet, och han tror att United kan ro hem returmatchen på Old Trafford med hjälp av hemmapubliken.

Ferguson var nöjd med det faktum att laget gjorde ett viktigt bortamål på Stamford Bridge, och lyckades dessutom vinna matchen. United har således ett utmärkt utgångsläge inför returen nästa vecka.

"It's only half time of course but we've got our advantage, that away goal does mean something.

But our biggest advantage is Old Trafford. Our support next Tuesday will be absolutely fantastic, I'm banking on that.”

De Unitedfans som hade fått tag i en biljett och kunnat åka till Stamford Bridge gav laget ett otroligt stöd och överröstade ständigt den tysta hemmapubliken. “Viva John Terry” och “We're the famous Man United are we're going to Wembley” hördes flertal gånger. De fick även något att jubla för när Wayne Rooney gjorde 1-0 i första halvlek, och anfallaren fick beröm av Sir Alex efter matchen.

"Wayne was on tremendous form and he's given us a really great opportunity to get to the semi-final.

I thought Wayne was excellent, his work rate and his desire to play were marvellous. He got a lot of abuse tonight and some late tackles but he just got up again and just played his game. That shows the courage of the player.

He's now more regular in his goalscoring which, at this stage of the season, is going to be important to us. His goal tonight was another important one. But I think the whole team takes great credit."

Skotten var även väldigt nöjd med mittfältsspelet, en lagdel som ofta visat sig vara avgörande i matcherna mot just Chelsea.

“Chelsea overload in midfield and you have to be clever how you handle that. That's the reason I played Ji-sung Park because tactically he's fantastic. He did a great job for us.

Keeping a clean sheet was important and we've done well there, considering we had to take Rafa off and put Antonio Valencia to right-back. It was a key moment and he (Valencia) handled it very well."

Och om straffsituationen...

"If it was a break for us, it's our first one in seven years here.

To be honest it looked as if the boy (Ramires) had made the most of it, although I haven't watched the replay yet. But I think there's plenty to talk about irrespective of penalty claims and dives and all the rest of it. I thought the players were great."


Nico Selenius2011-04-07 13:18:00

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