Intervju med Georges Laraque
George Laraque i sin rätta lagdress

Intervju med Georges Laraque

Året var 2004/2005 och NHL hade annonserat en ”lock-out”. AIK lyckades då hämta hem legendaren Mattias Norström samt (den som skulle bli en legendar) Georges Laraque.

Många av er supportar undrar säkert fortfarande hur det går för Georges Laraque och om han minns oss. Andreas Ferm har därför gjort en kort e-mail intervju med en av den morderna tidens största legendarer inom AIK Hockey – Georges Laraque. 

Då intervjun från början är gjord på engelska väljer vi att lägga ut den på just det språket. Engelska känns också lite coolare i och med att det faktiskt är en engelsktalande spelare.

How are you today? I heard something about an back injury – how’s that going?
I'm good now and will be back with the team this week.

How do you feel playing with Montreal Canadiens?
Being born in Montreal, it's very special to be playing in front of my entire family.

Do you ever think back at the golden time when you were dressed in black playing for AIK?
Yes, it was the best time of my life, i think about it all the time!

Are you following AIK today?
Yes, I so want that team to move up! I remember before the playoff started when I was there, we watched a video of the AIK team when they were playing in the first division, it was electricfying! The fans were the best in the world!

Do you remember the feeling we had at Hovet when 6115 fans screamed your name and celebrated AIK way back to Allsvenskan?
How can I forget, I had shivers going all the way up my spine! I couldn’t believe how everywhere we played, the Black Army was louder than any other fan in the building, and much more intimidating! I love that name, Black ARMY, they deserve first division for their effort!

Have you ever thought about getting “Back in Black”?
A lot and I'm seriously considering finishing my career over there!

What would you like to say to all AIK fans that are reading?
I love you guys, you guys gave me memories I will never forget! For once in my life, playing on a team, I felt like I was really contributing and a lot of people were counting on me, and to win it the way we did was so special for me, thanks for your support! 

Vi tackar Georges Laraque för denna intervju och hoppas att vi snart får se honom "back in black" 

Besök gärna Georges Laraques hemsida för mer information om honom, hans lag och samt hur man  “skickar vidare”/ "Pay it forward".

Redaktionen/Andreas Ferm2009-11-19 22:22:00

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