Notts County-supportrarnas reaktioner efter invigningsceremonin
Juventus fick dem svarta och vita ränderna från Notts County 1903

Notts County-supportrarnas reaktioner efter invigningsceremonin

Efter invigningsceremonin och matchen har Notts County-supportrarna skickat ett vackert och fängslande meddelande till Juventus.

Många har säkert läst meddelandet. Men har man missat det så har man onekligen missat en riktigt rörande text. Forumsprofilen Newentus kom på idén att lägga upp meddelandet även här, så att inga juventini går miste om det:

"When the Juventus versus Notts County fixture was announced, the Notts supporters as a collective unit were amazed.

We are obviously well aware of the role we played in your club’s history, it’s a fact that we’re very proud of actually. But it never really sank in how much our small club meant to Juventus. Your fans descended on our Facebook page and message boards and spoke of us with incredible affection and sincerity. We never tired of reading your messages, and we began to dream that we could come to Italy and live up to your expectations of us.

Our supporters arrived in Turin throughout the week, before Thursday stories were already coming through of the welcomes you had been giving us. The excitement built right up until Thursday when I arrived myself with a number of friends. We checked into our hotel, and made our way to your stadium as quickly as we possibly could.

When it came into view, it gave us goosebumps – such a magnificent arena for you to play football in. We instantly felt inadequate, not worthy of such an occasion. We made our way to the merchandise stalls outside, and were amazed as we were asked to pose for photographs with many of you.

Here in England, people look down at our club, it’s supporters, and it’s players. We’re just not used to such welcomes! The friendly greetings both outside and inside the stadium are something we’ll never forget!

From our seats in block 231 we watched the opening ceremonies. Our jaws were on the floor literally the entire time! We’ve only ever seen such events from our televisions – seeing one like that was fantastic. The array of club legends paraded was something truly special, it only confirmed our suspicions that we weren’t worthy of such an event.

When the dust settled and we saw our players make their way onto the field we had come to accept the fact that we wouldn’t mind if we lost by four or fives goals. If felt as if you, our hosts were all that mattered to us on this night and we wanted you to enjoy the whole night. You deserved it.

What happened on the field for us was astounding though. We watched a very enjoyable game of football. There are no words for the pride we felt as both sides played their part in an intriguing match. We sang our Wheelbarrow Song and were applauded by those around us. We just weren’t used to this!

We felt great happiness when Luca Toni was the man to score the first goal at your arena, we smiled and shared handshakes with your supporters around us. The moment just felt right.

The final chapter of the game is something we can never be allowed to forget. When Lee Hughes scored in front of your south stand, we were jubilant, this was a surreal moment that we didn’t think we’d get to experience. What happened next was just incredible – as those behind the goal rose to their feet to applaud our team. Moments like this so rarely happen in football – and certainly never for our little team. I stood open-mouthed at the sight. It’s something that in years to come I will share with my children and grand-children.

Upon the final whistle we were congratulated by the Juve fans around us. It felt like we’d been making friends all night but we were happy for this to continue!

I have sent a photo with this letter of Lewis Jackson, the youngest person in our party. He is pictured with a young Juventus fan he met after the final whistle. These are part of the next generation of Notts County and Juventus fans who must never be allowed to forget the truly historic occasion that they were witness to. We feel humbled that your think so much of our club, in the future will be sure to let our future generations know of that night!

Two clubs, one soul, one unforgettable evening.

We came home with our scarves and flags, and waved them with immense pride today when we won 2-1 against Walsall at our Meadow Lane. The whole Kop Stand (our version of your south stand) sang “It’s Just Like Watching Juve” louder than we ever have before. We can’t make as much noise as your fans do, but we’ll keep trying!

Thank you to the supporters, players and officials of Juventus FC. You took us in like family and gave us the most incredible experience of our lives. We are forever in your debt! You are a fantastic club, and we cannot wait for the day we can share our stadium with you!


Juventus-profilen och kommentatorn Claudio Zuliani svarade på meddelandet:

"Brothers of jersey from Notts County,
having you with us at the opening of our new home was a romantic and historic moment at the same time.
The new stadium celebrates our history and launches Juventus in a European dimension from an economic and sports point of view .
In a world that no longer provides barriers, where the free flow of ideas at the speed of light thanks to the web, the thought that our friendly would have had an affectionate and ancient taste reminding to the youngsters the true origin of the Black and White jersey has galvanized our memory.

Thursday September 8, 2011 is a date that will remain imprinted in the minds, eyes and hearts of Juventus fans.

Never in Italy we had seen a show like this … never in Italy a football club was able to overcome the bureaucracy of our system and to build his house.
Never imagined thst we would be able to play football at home, without barriers, with all amenities and in the best condition to return to fill a stadium of young people and families.

Our dream has come true and you have witnessed that.

Thursday, September 8th is a historic date, a date that changes the Italian football, a date that is changing and changes the way our fans will live matches .

At the same stadium, side by side with the opposition fans, the English.
Fans who have given a sense of peace to the conscience, who moved to tears remembering our victims, who have rejoiced at the historic goal of their striker, who exchanged scarves, who took photos memories of our and your children.
Fans who are proud to sing at their goals : “It’s like watching Juve”.

Notts County fans, it was a magical and unforgettable night, also thanks to you: when sport breaks down barriers and allows to overcome the differences and grievances.
With this spirit, our doors have been and will always remain open for people like you who knows the value of the word “supporter”.

We were 41,000, united in the festivity, united by sport.
When a team meets her history takes it under her arm and takes it home.
Good luck and good football, Juventus friends.

by:Claudio Zuliani -Mediaset Premium commentator – Juventus Football Club 1897 games."

Tusen tack till Notts County för en briljant invigningsmatch och för dem finaste färgerna man kan ha på en fotbollströja.

Tack. Thank you. Grazie. 


Pouian Cherloo2011-09-18 02:59:20

Fler artiklar om Juventus

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