Thorpe ger sig in i debatten

Den tidigare Fulhamkommentatorn och ”Head of Communications” i klubben ger sin syn på de senaste veckornas utveckling gällande Craven Cottage.

Då han inte längre arbetar för klubben är det på sin plats att understryka att detta är hans högst personliga tankar och de återges från hans inlägg på Texten publiceras på Engelska även här på SWO för att inte tappa nyanser vid en översättning.

Trevlig Läsning!

Craven Cottage - posted by Paul Thorpe 18 Jan 2003 22:43:00

It's clear that there are varying opinions and views regarding the Back to the Cottage campaign. And I've wanted to get some of the below off my chest for some time now, especially since leaving Fulham FC.

For many, returning to CC is vital. For some, it's not so vital. This will depend greatly, for many I guess, on how you became a Fulham supporter in the first place.

It's probably fair to say that for those most strongly in favour of a return, almost regardless of the cost (in on the pitch terms), CC is more than just a football stadium. It's almost a shrine...

Something that has been past down from father to son/daughter (in my case 4
generations) like a treasured family heirloom.

It's also used as a place for reflection. I can only speak for myself here, but the night my Dad died the only place I could find some comfort was at the gates of Craven Cottage where flowers and my Dad's scarf were tied in loving memory - and thanks for introducing me to something that we shared together for years and years in good times and in bad...

As a long term Fulham fan, I don't expect people who have supported the Club for a shorter period to understand these sentiments precisely.

I appreciate that - and it does not make them any less of a fan than I or any other long term supporter of FFC. We're all equal.

Everyone, young and old, new or not so new, is entitled to their say and their views. We must respect each other...

I think us lifers just want to ask the newcomers (if that's the right word?) to try and understand (or at least respect) our thoughts and views and show some patience when we bang on about how much the old place means to us.

It's simply not JUST a football stadium. It really is our second home where tears of joy and pain have been shared with our family and friends for many, many years.

So where do we go from here? All of us together... If we divide we are surely doomed. As Fulham fans we must rally together and if that means some give and take then that's the way it surely has to be.

I have the utmost respect for Mohamed Al Fayed. I have always believed that his intentions have been honourable. I and still believe that he will not let us down. The man has done a fantastic job so far - and he deserves our 100% support.

HOWEVER... having worked in the Club's communication department for 4 years, nobody is more aware than myself of the lack of any real communication with the supporters.

I always used to say: "Tell them the truth and ask for their input. Even if it's bad news, at least they've been consulted and shown the respect they deserve."

As far as returning to CC is concerned, for me it is a must. Would I give up our Premiership status for a return to CC? Yes... but that's just my opinion and I can understand others not agreeing with me.

Preferably, I'd like to see us redevelop CC into something more sensible and realistic. 25,000 is enough for us, all of us. Blimey, Southampton did alright with 15,000 for donkey's years!

I've never subscribed to this 'Man Utd of the South' nonsense. Who wants to be another Man Utd with a stadium full of fans who have never even seen each other before, let alone spoken? No thanks...

I'd happily settle for a place in mid-table and taking 4 points from Chelsea every season!

If the worst happens, and we do have to move from CC, then we must do it gracefully. But a move from CC can only be in return for a new home of our own. Somewhere close, somewhere sensible, somewhere practical for the fans that has kept this club's heart beating for the last 25 years. That is most definitely NOT Stamford Bridge or Loftus Road. And this option could only ever be acceptable if every last effort to return to CC had been explored and exhausted.

Fulham FC has a home and an identity. We desperately want to keep both, but at the very, very least, we need to keep the latter.

My hope is that we can stop the split now before the divide becomes to great to heal. My hope is that the Club and the Chairman will keep their promises... I will continue to believe they will until the very end.

Whatever happens, Fulham FC must come through this crisis. We have had them before and came through, but we came through by sticking together.

For those campaigning tomorrow good luck. For those against the campaign then please understand why.

For those at the Club... look after it well for us, and please remember, when you have gone, we'll still be here.

Long Live Fulham FC - Paul Thorpe, 2003

Nick Bylund []2003-01-20 21:11:00

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