Evra efter matchen: "fansen förtjänar mera"

Patrice Evra anser att United fortfarande måste kämpa om titlar och inte ge upp trots att laget åkt ut ur Champions League.

Patrice Evra var givetvis lika upprörd och besviken som de övriga spelarna efter matchen, men påpekade samtidigt att United måste fortsätta kämpa om de titlar som fortfarande står på spel. Nu gäller det även att komma tillbaka efter den svidande förlusten, något United kan göra redan på lördag när man tar emot Wolves.

"It's a big disappointment. Since I played with Monaco, I've never been out in the first round. It's catastrophic and we feel very sad but we deserved to go out. It's not about tonight but throughout the competition - we threw away qualification.

We created a lot of chances tonight and they get only two chances but they win - and deserved to win. From the beginning, we never played well in the Champions League.

But we are Manchester United. Today is a really bad day for everyone - the fans, staff and players. We must make sure we don't throw the season away. We still have things to win and must make sure we play with heart. The fans deserve something better than us throwing away the Champions League."

Källa: manutd.com

Nico Selenius2011-12-08 01:17:49

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