Sanningen om Pigbag
"Pigbag", eller "Papa's got a brand new pigbag" som den egentligen heter, är melodin som spelas på Loftus Road när QPR har gjort mål. SweHoops engelske forumbesökare med nicken "Simon Stainrod" berättar hur fenomenet uppstod och att Middlesbrough, som också börjat spela Pigbag när de gjort mål, var långt efter.
"I'm quite happy to take some responsibility to this tune being sung by the QPR fans, as way back in the 90's myself and few regular away-travelling fans (Liam, Aussie Mike - just two names I can remember just now) started singing Pigbag on the train, trying to get other people to sing/chant along, without much success. The problem was the long musical part of the song (you need to hear the original to know what i mean), as in noone knew to start up the "da da da-da" bit again (gawd, this feels strange to type this like this)...
ANYWAY, the breakthrough came away to Everton (when we won 5-3 I believe) where the away fans had to sit in a wooden stand, which as a "chanting fan" can tell you as that means you can stamp your feet and make some more noise!!!, so when myself and the guys started singing Pigbag again I instinctly shouted "HOOPS" and stamped my foot on the wooden floor, well, after a few times singing this to ourselves all of the sudden more people started chanting "our" version and well... the rest became history. We won the match and sang this song for most of the game.
Another true story is that when we played Liverpool away ad won 3-1 the Public Address announcer/DJ whatever you call them/him, played pigbag at the end of the game much (out of respect to us?) much to the delight of QPR fans at Anfield.
I was on the supporters club committee for a few years, and helped run away coach and train travel. There was a lady by the name of Pat Dix who used to work in the community section of QPR on a full time basis, alongside Daphne Biggs. Pat once asked me which song should QPR play when we score at home (to generate an atmosphere) I suggested pigbag, and she looked at me and said (in affect) "what the hell is that?" I tried to persuade her that was THE song we should play, but because she hadn't heard of it she declined. I can't remember what they played instead, but it wasn't until maybe one year later the club played it when we scored.
Middlesbrough fans always try to claim they started using Pigbag, but no way. QPR fans were definitely first to use it on terraces and in the stands.
Hope that's answered your question."
QPR-redaktionen tackar för bidraget, och för er som inte hört Pigbag, eller känner för att lyssna på den just nu finns en länk här nedan.