Wenger efter matchen mot Sunderland
För 80 år sedan spelade Gunners en match mot Sunderland som fortfarande klassas som den hemmamatch där Gunners haft flest åskådare. Över 73000 dök upp för att se toppmötet 1935.
Förvisso har Gunners lockat mer folk till några av de suspekta matcherna på Wembley i Champions League, men det känns artificiellt, så vi räknar denna match mot "the Black Cats" som matchen med mest publik på hemmamatcherna.
Förvisso var det inte lika många igår, men publiken bjöds ändå på underhållning. 3-1 för Arsenal denna dag och Wenger beskrev matchen som ett steg framåt.
Han var bitvis mycket nöjd med spelet och tyckte exempelvis att "when you play a Premier League team you are always going to have to work. We had a very convincing half and took over more slowly. In the first half we went one down and we had to find our way because we were sharp in midfield. After that slowly in the second half we took over, played in their half and scored great goals and created many chances."
Det har ju varit en del grundlösa rykten om Ox till Chelsea och media undrade hur det gått för denne löpare. Wenger sade"He came on stronger as the game went on and in the second half he was strong. I must say he was stronger in the second half. Joel Campbell was very good. Alex Iwobi was one of the guys who was very good in the first half, he tired a little bit in the second half. Overall, they have done well.
Alex Iwobi fick speltid från start och även här var fransmannen glittrande glad"I liked the timing of his passes. In the middle of the park that is a vital quality and that fact he plays forward and sees [things]. As a young boy he is not afraid to come on and that is great"
Så sade Wenger